
Why is Portugal lacking in the job market?

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I am wondering the reason why Portugal has such a huge problem with jobs. My family is from there and they talk about how so many people are getting laid off and it is very hard to find a new job. Many people or out of work and its causing allot of problems. Could anyone tell me what those problems are and what is causing this problem. Your help is greatly appreciated.




  1. Portugal is a small economy with a considerable basis in agriculture. This makes things a bit more unstable. There are also a lot of pressures across the continent for consolidation and mergers. Growth tends to move in cycles.

    Portugal could greatly stimulate their economy by lowering taxes, reducing social costs, and being more inviting to business. Your country has so much going for it, a stimulating business environment could make them the next Silicon Valley or Scotland...

  2. we think they ( new generations)are paying heavy interests on what they( the old generations) did with their colonies centuries ago.

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