
Why is Protester allowed to pitch on London square but not homeless?

by Guest58674  |  earlier

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Homeless are not allowed to pitch tent in park but Protester is allowed to becos to move him is against his human rights! Why? Compared to other countries why are laws in England not uniform but subjective as to class, race, status? Whats going on?




  1. well i think it's one of the few bits of common sense that doesn't try encompass every possibility in one little clause of a law.

    It's because of people making arguments like this one that has the uk in such a bureaucratic gridlock

  2. Homeless people are told to move on wherever they stay, but the protester on Parliament Square is there for political reasons and therefore cannot so easily be moved.  He is not homeless, but is residing there for political reasons.  Once he is satisfied his crusade is won, I presume he'll return home.

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