
Why is Queen Elizabeth's husband not the King of England? If he were King wouldn't his wife be the Queen?

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Why is Queen Elizabeth's husband not the King of England? If he were King wouldn't his wife be the Queen?




  1. because he doesn't have a blood line. Which is ironic because he has got to be the most snobbish of all the people in the monarchy

  2. Rochelle is right, Prince Phillip is the son of prince Andrew of Greece. He has/had no claim to the English crown. He should count himself lucky he gets private health care.

  3. No, because the position of King is higher than the position of Queen (it is a patriarchal society). For her to reign he must stay a prince. She was heir to the throne, not he.

  4. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, therefore, her husband Prince Philip is her "Prince Consort." A prince consort, generally speaking, is a common term for the husband of a Queen Regnant, unless he himself also is a king in his own right.

    The Queen may also bestow upon him the title "King Consort", which is entirely at the will of the Queen. King consort is a title given in some monarchies to the husband of a queen regnant. Nowadays, it is a symbolic title only, the sole constitutional function of the holder being similar to a queen consort, namely to produce an heir to the throne.

    Spain, Portugal, England and Scotland have all had kings consort; however, since the rank of king normally outranks that of queen, in most monarchies the queen's husband is given the title of prince or prince consort instead.

    Note: In the British monarchy, the husband of a female monarch does not have any recognized special status, rank, or privileges. In actual fact Prince Philip does play a major role in royal affairs, but this is not recognized in terms of his title. Interestingly enough, the wife of a male monarch (e.g. the Queen Mother was the wife of King George VI) takes on her husband's rank and style upon marrying, becoming Queen.

  5. It's a rule of British titles that when a titled man marries his wife gets to share his title "by courtesy", but when a titled woman marries her husband does not share hers.

    Thus, the wife of a king is a queen, of a duke is a duchess, of a marquis is a marchioness, etc. etc. down to the wife of a knight who becomes "Lady Smith". But the Queen's husband doesn't become a king; when Maggie Thatcher became a Baroness her husband Denis went on being "Mr Thatcher", the husband of a Dame (the female equivalent of a knight) gets no title.

  6. yes

  7. Queen Elizabeth is the direct bloodline from the last King of Britain and so she is the Queen and Prince Philip the consort. If Prince Philip was direct bloodline he would be the King and she would be his Queen. The males supercede the females in this long and ancient tradition.

    Before the grandchildren came along, the sons of the Queen were all before Princess Ann in the line of the throne simply because she is female and that is the tradition. Hope this helps

  8. blood line

  9. Philip was not heir to the throne. His wife, Elizabeth and her sister, Margaret were the heirs of King George VI.Philip,although of Royal birth,of the Royal House of Schelsweig-Holstein-Sonderburg-

    Glucksburg, renamed Mountbatten,is a spouse.The title of King is considered higher than Queen.Elizabeth is the Queen Regent,she is the monarch and no one can bear a title higher than hers. So Philip is Prince Consort.It would take an act of Parliament to make Philip a king,even king-consort.Elizabeth is quite happy to be the Queen Regent and has never had any intentions of sharing her powers with anyone.

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