
Why is Queen Elizabeth II named Regina?

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In the names of court cases, it says Regina rather than Queen of Queen Elizabeth. E.g. R v Ivan Milat. Why is that?




  1. Regina is the Latin word for Queen.

  2. "Regina" is Latin for "queen".  Still a lot of Latin used in law.  

    "Ivan Milat"  That's going back a bit.  A good 15 years I'd say.

  3. Regina is the Latin word for Queen. Elizabeth signed her papers as "ER" which meant Elizabeth, Queen.

  4. "Regina" is the Latin word for "queen", thus "ER" stands for Elizabeth, Regina. The male form (king) is "rex" in Latin.

  5. "Regina" is the Latin word for "Queen," the feminine equivalent of "Rex."  English monarchs since at least William the Conqueror have signed themselves with the word "Rex" or "Regina," or just the initial R., after their own names.  When the practice began, Latin was still something of an international language in Europe among the educated and powerful.

  6. Yep, Regina is Latin for Queen. And v (versus) is latin for opposing - it's just that this has made it into more common usage.

    On coins in the UK, it says: "Elizabeth II D.G. Reg. F.D.", which stands for: "Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensor" - by God's grace Queen, Defender of the Faith - which signifies her role as head of the Church of England.

  7. Regina is Latin for Queen.  Elizabeth Regina means Queen Elizabeth.. very simple, really.

  8. Regina IS queen (Latin I think)

  9. "Regina" is the Latin word for "Queen Regent." Latin was widely used back in the middle ages, where only highly educated people were taugh to speak. It is a royal tradition to use "Latin" to sign important documents to show wealth, knowledge, and power.

  10. Regina means "Queen" or REGENT. A monarch is a regent.The R can stand for "regina" or "rex;" depending upon whether the regent is queen or king. These Latin terms have been in use for ages.

  11. Regina means queen in latin

    all reining queens will be addressed as it

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