
Why is R&S such a troll magnet?

by Guest57476  |  earlier

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Y!A should open up an Atheist & Scoffers section. Perhaps all the trolls will be happier under that bridge.




  1. It's the easiest section in which to push someones' buttons.

    IMHO, the people with the thinnest skins and greatest inability to defend themselves verbally (without resorting to name calling and stereotyping - like I just did) hang out here. Most of which, I've found, are not interested in the exchange of ideas and civil discussions, but more often the seeking of approval through group menality.

    see, there's one already!

  2. cute,a troll asking a troll question

  3. Trolls need intellectual stimulation like anyone else.  And love too.  Certainly R&S is nothing if not full of love.  (Or full of something at least.)

  4. Curiosity, hatred, or searching take you pick. God Bless you.

  5. Agree with you fully

  6. You should take up the career of comedian. You are just so funny.

    Plus the info on your user page is a troll biography if I ever saw one...

    "I am an amateur Christian apologist

    I am a Young-Earth Creationist

    I love science, logic, and learning"

  7. You are aware that you are trolling now, correct?

  8. Because the free comedy that people like you provide is irresistable. What should I do?

  9. Some people need attention and validation. It just puzzles me that people would want bad attention.

  10. The reason is because today there are MOCKERS all over the place, ... just like the Bible said it would be before Jesus returned.

    no surprise there at all.

    But your suggestion to have "An Atheists & Scoffers" section is a good one. I'll vote for that.

  11. trolls are never happy unless there's opposition.  Atheist & Scoffers could never work as a troll station for that reason.  It would be quieter there than in a, um, a. . . . CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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