
Why is Republican't party so anti-black, anti-hispanic, anti-asian but pro white?

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no i didnt mispell Republican't so don't be criticizing me.




  1. Go to if you want to know the truth about liberals. Liberals want minorities to remain poor and dependent on government handouts. Bush is republican and he had more minorities in his cabinet, than Clinton.

  2. Do you in your ignorance realize that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.Do you also know that Bush had more minorities in his Cabinet than Clinton?

  3. Can you give examples of them being any of these things?

    And perhaps analyze the situation and issues and try to figure out why certain groups may not be attracted to the Republican party.  The Republican party encourages hard work, low taxes, and personal investment over social programs (because they are viewed as socialist or communist rather than free market, which is what the country was founded on).  Since non-white groups may not be as financially well-off, they are more inclined to want social programs and government services than others.  It's not that Republicans don't want to appeal to everyone.

  4. GWB has appointed more people of color to higher offices than any other president...EVER!

  5. cause the majority of them work and pay taxes that the other groups have their hands out for

  6. That's funny.

    Last time I checked... I was Asian. And I am a Republican.. Does that mean that I am against myself?


    Ooh and look, my buddy Richard! He's in the picture with me, he's a Republican too, and he's black! :D

  7. Colin Powell and Condolezza Rice.  Two reasons why you need to think before you post a slam against a party.  I'm sure there's more, but I only need a few examples to disprove your point.

  8. Is conedlica rice and Colin Powell, and gonzale working for bush all white?

  9. Someone who says "Republican't" has clearly been brainwashed by liberal propaganda.  Your assertion that the party who installed the first African American Secretary of State and the first Hispanic Attorney General EVER is racist is just absurd and provably false.  Those accusations come from decades of propaganda and fear mongering from the political left in this country.

  10. Why are you so stupid?

  11. that is why I am a democrat, a proud 1 at that!

  12. What color is the sky in your world?

    So the otherside of that coin would be that Democrats are anti-white right?

    J.C. Watts and many others would disagree.

    Of course what is seldom discussed is why are both parties and their supporters such anti-american douchebags?

  13. If you believe that, someone has brainwashed you.

  14. Believe your own lie.

  15. I bet if you hold your breath and push really hard you can push more c**p out of your mouth. You lie, bald face lie.

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