
Why is Reuters not working?

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Why is Reuters not working and how can I get an answer from Yahoo?




  1. This is obviously a Yahoo problem. Many people I know have numerous content (AP, Reuters, etc.) showing "No Items". Maybe when Yahoo realizes people have a Yahoo page to access these items they'll get around to fixing it - before a better site comes along!

  2. I'm having the same problem.. can't find anything out from yahoo ... seems they are loosing their ability to manage their software and interact with their users.

  3. Mine is not working, either.

  4. Good luck getting answers from Yahoo!  All I ever get is canned responses that don't answer the specific questions I ask.

    If your Reuters problems involve not updating, I had similar problems for about a month, as did many others. It had nothing to do with cookies or a full cache or any of the other fixes suggested in Yahoo! FAQs. It was/is a Yahoo! bug of some sort.

    After numerous fruitless email exchanges with Yahoo! customer service, I determined that the only way to temporarily address it was to periodically switch back and forth between the new beta version of MyYahoo! ( and the original version. When one started to fail to refresh, I switched to the other for a short-term cure.

    At some point (knock on wood) the bug got fixed. Hope this works for you.

  5. ditto

  6. I check my news on yahoo as well. And this has been happening to me also. But only when I check at work.

    When I check my yahoo at home, everything is available.

    Why would they load diferently? I'm not sure.

    But I hope they fix it soon.

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