
Why is Robert Crumb considered a "real" artist??

by Guest57001  |  earlier

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I am doing a paper for my school, and the topic asks why Robert Crumb is now considered a "real" artist. And why are most other comic book writers today considered hacks and no talents??

Thanks, any sources would be especially helpful




  1. He didn't just copy someone else's idea or style, like most artist now-a-days do.

    Instead he made his own and was passionate about his work, practically dedicating his life to his art. It's not that other comic book artist  are untalented. It's just that his style was just more appreciated, more likable, or just more appealing than other artist. I personally only like some of his work, but he most definitely is talented. Artist who outlet all their emotions through their work are going to be talented, if they do it all the time.

  2. The term"real artist" doesn't make sense.Its like saying someones a "real" cab driver.

  3. Even though I do not like his work, I must admit that it is original. That's why.

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