
Why is Roger Federer not winning this year?

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Why is Roger Federer not winning this year?




  1. he has had his time now Rafael Nadal and djockovich will take over but he will be a legend for ever and he has played in the best ever match in Wimbledon this year.

  2. Like any other No. 1 before him,  he's imperious rule has begun to dissipate partly due to his physical condition and the rise of younger talented players ably represented by Nadal.  

  3. I think other players like Nadal and Djockovic have improved and he hasn't. His strokes are the same and Nadal is much much better even though he's been injured. Federer has been injured and sick. But that's no excuse. I think he also has a girlfriend now and he's been taking more care of her and that affects the body too.  Less power.

  4. he isn't winning this year for one main reason and a few minor ones.

    he had glandular fever earlier this year and it was around 10 weeks before wimbledon. glandular fever is not something you can overcome in 10 weeks. it took mario ancic a whole 10 months to get back to his best after having the fever. it has hampered his tennis, he is still a superstar though, making the finals of the french and wimbledon. he is world number 2 now though and i think his time is over.

    i say, bring on the reign of RAFAEL NADAL!!!!!!!!  

  5. im sure a lot of federer fans have lots of opinions with regards this question.

    i think he has not improved at all for a long time. i think the big question is why does he still not want a coach??

    becoz he cant win now. it is not enough to work with a coach only at slams. however good the coach is........he cant do much coz he has got not enough time to help him.

    federer now has to realize that.

  6. i'm pretty sure he'd love to know the answer to this question.-

  7. It's pretty simple, he's going through a slump in his career. It happened to many of the greatest players. But also I believe when he had mono he pushed his body to hard and he didn't really give himself enough time to heal. Still looking at his for sure yearly consistency and how he's played so far he is playing like himself it's just that the constant media critcism, the losses, and younger hungrier players coming after him has taken his confidence down. Though being number one obviously meant allot to him, I think being number 2 and out of the spotlight will help him because the pressure and expectations won't be on his shoulders anymore and he can just go out there, relax and just play and watch the old Federer return.

  8. i guess its because he hasn't lost much for the past 4 years and now that he isn't doing so good and not winning as many games, it has damaged his confidence and he really does need to get back on the tracks.

    I support Federer but  i think its not such a bad thing him moving out of number 1 position. He will not have as much pressure anymore and begin to play naturally again.  

  9. Illness and loss of confidence from loosing. I think he can improve both physically and mentally though, but other players are improving.

  10. other players has improved ,  

  11. Roger is lack of confidence b'cos he hasn't won any Masters title or Grand slam this year and this is a big reason to be not confident.

    Here some of his problems that he is supposed to work on them.

    1. his backhand problem, most of his opponents concentrate on this side which he should work on it.

    2. He can't compete much from the baseline and if it goes in long rally mostly he would be the loser.

    3. his first service nowadys is not so good therefore when he doesn't find his 1st serive most likely he will lose his matches.

    4. He is always in hurry of finishing points and doesn't not take enouph time in the 2nd service if the 1st one doesn't work.

    5. He needs a good coach who can understand him from insdide and who can improve him b'cos he hasn't improved since a long time.

    he has been going through the most difficult times in his career and maybe himself doesn't know what to do.

    I am sure he is gutted but this is what a sport all about....He used to beat his opponents so many times and maybe now it's their turn to do the same.

    sometimes you can't change the fate, maybe he needs to improve his passing shots and his first service .

    Good luck for  Roger in the upcoming matches .

    I am sure once he wins a big title he will restore his self-confidence and he will come back strong like before.

    I am a huge fan of roger and I hope he comes back soon.

  12. Nadal is now the better player. But when he crashes out to unseeded players like Karlovic? I suppose he's still recovering from Glandular fever and to be honest: he's really losing his skill.

  13. I think it is a combination of factors that have already been mentioned in other responses.

    1.  Glandular Fever took it's toll, so he didn't start the year at his best.  I also don't think he took enough time off to properly rest and recouperate.

    2.  Not being able to defend his titles from 2007 is not a big confidence builder.  Despite having what would be considered a successful tournament for most other players, it was not his best.

    3.  Early round losses and drubbings like the one he took at the French Open are demoralizing.  

    4.  I think these factors add up to a loss of confidence which results in increased errors.  

    5.  His amazing forehand has been error prone, and his backhand is weaker than it was in 2007.

    6.  Other players are getting better, and learning his game plan.  Once an opponent can predict where the next shot will go, it's much easier to gethere and make a solid return.

    I think all of these factors have snowballed into frustration and lack of confidence.  As his gold medal performance in doubles at the Olympics showed, if he was willing to move from the baseline to the net (where he is absolutely brilliant), rather than relying so heavily on that forehand, he could probably bring himself back to form.

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