
Why is Ron Paul still talking about the economy?

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No one was listening during the debates, and no one is listening now.




  1. I hope he keeps on talking about it.  Someone needs to.  We are in bad ways in the US.  I don't know if anyone has seen or not, but we are now paying over $4.00 for 1 gallon of gas.  That is crazy.  That is not to mention the price of everything else that has gone up.  Believe me, gas is not just affecting one or two things.  It is affecting everything.  I just wish there were more politicians as concerned as Ron Paul.

  2. You assume no one was listening. And he has every right to talk about it.

  3. 1)


  4. He is so old that his mind doesn't catch up fast enough. Read my lips Ron Paul, "No one cares about what you say!" Doesn't he know that the caucuses are long over.

  5. Because 1)He cares and 2)He knows what he's talking about.  He's only written 7 books on Economics, how many have you written?

    Most may not listen because they are too stupid or ignorant to face reality!

  6. The economy is an extremely important issue; this is why he wanted to be President, because he has some very good ideas about what should be done.  At least he is still trying to help, not just sulking about not being elected.  It's too bad this wacko two-party system does not allow statesmen to become President.  Let's quit voting for the Democrats and Republicans.

  7. People are listing more now than before.

  8. obviously you are if you are reading it

  9. because hes got nothing better to do?

  10. It seems nobody ever does because he's right in a lot of ways, and they shut him out because they don't want to her the truth, he knows what he's talking about.

  11. Trying to test the waters for an independant bid at the white house

  12. Because the other two candidates don't have a clue.

  13. Because it still sucks, and now he can add " I told you so!"

  14. First of all you're VERY wrong that no one was listening.  But besides that, what would you prefer him to be talking about?

    Generally speaking, when a person wants someone else to shut up about some controversial issue, it's usually because he is unable to come up with any arguments against what is being said.  Every time he hears the arguments that has no answer for, it reminds him of his own inability to analyze the situation clearly enough to engage in an intelligent discussion on it.  Thus, he ends up frustrated and has no recourse but to bellyache that the other person should stop talking entirely.

  15. Because he is crazy.

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