
Why is Rugby not very populer in the US?

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Why is Rugby not very populer in the US?




  1. Cos you guys have American football .that is similar too rugby

  2. because its not well known, hardly any rugby clubs, and there isnt much money in the US rugby which is probably why all the players usually leave to join other international clubs to make a name of themselves

  3. its pretty homosexual

  4. because americans have NFL and that is the sport played in high schools where as here in australia rugby is the sport played in high schools

  5. i don't know nationally why it hasn't caught on, but my husband and i watch rugby on a direct tv channel, he has played for years and the Can AM in Saranac Lake NY the first weekend in August has a big following

  6. It's too tough for the average American and you can't use helmets and any other sort of protection.

  7. Yankees are not tough enough to play rugby!!

  8. where you been at....almost every college has a rugby team....almost every city has a rugby club...just because we dont have a professional league doesnt mean its not popular.....

    soccer was out there before they had the MLS so think about it.

  9. It's not an organized sport in the high schools.  Why waste your time with rugby when you can get a scholarship and if good enough make millions with football, basketball, or baseball which do have programs in the high schools.

  10. rugby is far to rough for the soft Americans. god they cant even play a game without having 4 intervals because they are so tired its all that padding you know it makes you go to sleep or is that watching a American football game i dont know

  11. Its actually more popular than people would think. It just doesn't get a lot of publicity. There are tones of mens/womens leagues, college division, and high school divisions.

  12. because rubgy has no protection for the players...Unlike american manzy pangy football they are padded everywhere....

  13. While there are many ways to answer this question, it is my firm belief that the reason that rugby has not gained much popularity in the United States is because the game is not television (or rather commercial) friendly.  Much like soccer, rugby is a game of continuous time without many stoppages in time of any sort and when they do occur they are not planned or predictable.  For this reason, television cannot air matches without missing a part of the match while doing so.  This translates to lost revenue from commercial spots which equates to a lack of interest from the television channel to air the match.  Because of this, many Americans do not get the exposure to rugby as they do to other sports that are more commercial friendly.  This lack of exposure relates directly to a lack of interest from Americans, which is why rugby has not soared to popularity in the United States.

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