
Why is Rush so successful and air america such a total failure?

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could it be liberals have no sense of humor or are they afraid to admit what the true agenda of what liberalism is.




  1. There's a direct correlation between how effective Rush is and how totally rabid his detractors become at the mention of his name.

    But to answer your question, Rush is successful because he is first and foremost a savvy businessman... but then he is also funny, passionate, can tie together things that happened today with things done years ago to show Libs never change, he is informative, and doesn't let the dummies upset him.

    Air America on the other hand was simply strident, unfunny, and most importantly did not run their program like a business... but like a charity. You have to have an audience that WANT to hear you to succeed. They never built a business model that works. Hey, capitalism at its best... and since most of the Air America supporters are anti-capitalism, they just couldn't figure it out.

    Edit: Interesting comment from Nirv... Libs would rather think than listen. Seems to me if you never listen, you never learn. Maybe Nirv has put his finger on the Libs' problem.

  2. I'm a liberal and I don't listen to air america who has time to sit and do that.  

    I work and work and when I'm not working I'm reading on the internet.

    right wing nut jobs on the other hand I guess just can't get enough hate they must get off on hearing what they want to hear and Rush and others do a fine job of preaching to the mindless masses.

    it's my choice to find my own truth I don't need some rich fat cat who has no clue of the real world telling me what to think.

    I'm living my own reality.

  3. The truth sells.

  4. Because Jon Stewart has more driven focused talent than the fluffier blond comedian.

    Rush just has a long loyal audience group

    that habitually have poor hygene habits with their


    Watching them listen loyaly enjoying his radio cast is

    a bit like watching a group of people sniff glue

    or gasoline.

    Over and over again.

  5. Because there are a lot more dumb conservatives than dumb liberals?

  6. Whoever is the better at talking BULL-c**p wins.  Dans Abrams and Tucker Carlson(A TRUE Conservative) on MSNBC lost their shows.

    Read with skepticism and decide: Support whistle-blowers: US military,CIA, and FBI.  Also support Yahoo whistle-blowers !!!

    Yahoo search: Sam's Club 6625+US military veterans

    I will listen to Tucker Carlson, who has verifiable sources, over Rush Limbaugh ANYTIME

    Trust your integrity.

  7. Great question! Rush is so successful because he deals with the facts and only the facts!

  8. Looking at the answers above mine with 1 exception is the reason. No answers just name calling. Liberals say that conservatives don't think for themselves but it is the exact opposite. It is quite funny to hear.

  9. Liberal talk shows have too much whining in them.

    The content makes a huge difference as well.

  10. Rush caters to the simple, the lowest common denominator. Liberals don't listen to pundits they make up their own mind, based on experience and logic, thus Air America has not a base group to support it, I have never listened to it and don't listen to talk radio.

  11. Because republicans love to listen BS and smart people love to think rather than listen ?

  12. Because rush's audience is composed of cowardly, ignorant lemmings that are not capable of thinking for themseleves, so they let limpbaugh - the multiple marriage, draft-dodger, liar, junkie, hypocrite, partisan hack, chickenhawk tell them what they think and believe.

    Why not TRY thinking for yourself for once?

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