
Why is Russia and Georgia attacking each other?

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What happen? I hope the US doesn't get involve




  1. cuz georgia used to b part of russia, russia wants georgia back so they bombed do i...

  2. There is like 500 questions already asking this....

    Let me save you time and give you both sides

    Russia is evil and wants it's old borders back to expand it's empire.

    Georgia has been massacring and ethnically cleansing South Ossetia and Russia's here to stop it.  

  3. I hope US gets involved NOW!!! we should defend the Georgian pipelines from evil Ruskies

  4. Whoever believed Communism was dead, think again, it has just been living happily undercover, just regrouping and getting loads of money from Western nations who did believe the lie of a Democratic Russia. Now, are we also to believe that China`s Capitalism is heading towards democracy? Russia, and China should have been taken care of long time ago, but fools choose to live in a world of dreams and capitalism and shove warning sings under the carpet. After some time the carpet just can`t hide the dirt under it any longer. Just get ready for the Rapture of the church, because this one is not going to be WW-3 it is the battle which Jesus is going to have to cut short "or else no flesh would be saved". It will be the Moslems and Communists, the axis of evil that will dominate the world, rebuild the Jewish Temple and put a headfigure who will demand to be worshipped as God. What Hitler did to Europe and the rest of the world will be like childs play, once this alliance, which has already begun, reaches it`s goal. There are too many cowards in England, France and Spain right now that just want to have Capitalism and peace, they are just too afraid to put two and two together and get four, instead they choose the bliss of ignorance. Keep on crucifying the United States for the Irak and Afghanistan war, keep on beleiving Islam is a religion of peace and Communism is dead. This time around Americans may not be able to  respond when bombs start falling on London again, they will be to busy with the Irak, Afghanistan and possibly another war with Pakistan and Iran. Keep on raising crows, they will pluck your eyes out when they grow.

  5. Georgia began an offensive to regain control over South Ossetia on Thursday with heavy shelling and air strikes that ravaged South Ossetia's provincial capital of Tskhinvali.

    The Russia response was overpowering — thousands of troops that shelled the Georgians until they fled Tskhinvali on Sunday.


  6. Somebody set up us the bomb.

  7. a dispute over a part of Georgia wishing to leave Georgia.

  8. The U.S. might get involve in small ways, but it is highly unlikely for them to get involve militarily with their hands tie up in the Middle East.

    Both are fighting due largely to their history.

  9. Isn't amazing how every conflict must have the usa involved? Heres what happened:

    1st: a part or well several parts of Georgia comprise of Russian sympathizers, and Russia has had a army in those regions ever since the collapse of the USSR.

    2nd. Lately, Georgia started attacking parts of those regions ( which are in Georgia, not Russia )

    well Russia then started giving citizenship to people in those regions.

    Then when Georgia started once more, Russia sends tanks into Georgia's hot spots.  russia then starts attacking And claims it needs to protect its citizens. Georgia then starts fighting russia and basically is beaten, and has called for a ceasefire ). now Russia is not honoring the ceasefire and is practically invading 1/3 of the country.

    thats whats happening :)

  10. its what most war these days is about, oil. they didn't seem to care about each other until oil price went through the roof.

    and if there is oil to be won, you bet the USA will get involved and come in on their white horse and create more enemies.

  11. Russia is awesome.

    It's a battle over S. Ossetia

  12. Well of course we will, if bush says he's gonna take control of the Afghanistan problem in short of 2 months...then anything can happen!!!

  13. Here you go


    read this for yourself

  14. Russia is being a noob so they bomb Georgia for no reason to try to take it over and btw the us may just get involved.. McCain announced if Russia doesn't stop then the us may have to jump in =]

  15. I asked myself the same thing. I don't understand why leaders can't just sit down and talk about it before making rash decisions that involve innocent human lives. I guess power will make you crazy. It's very sad that these two leaders are acting like 10 year old boys on the school playground. Disgusting!

  16. why don't you read the answers on this question asked here before? they are plenty

    georgia has a good location which russia needs, plus they can't stand the fact that the country that used to be their puppet is getting stronger now , and its saakashvili that's making it stronger, and that's why putin hates him that much (even some georgians don't understand that), and america doesn't want the russians to occupy the teritory of georgia, plus georgia is america-s ally ...  

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