
Why is Russia in a war with Georgia?

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Why is Russia in a war with Georgia?




  1. ossetia (and the other region abkhazia) broke away from georgia in the early 90th soon after the collapse of the soviet union. the reason for their secession was persecution of ethnical minorities in georgia. the problem actually existed even when georgia was a part of the soviet union though on a much smaller scale because nationalism was strongly condemned by the mainstream soviet ideology. the collapse of the soviet union was accompanied by a surge of nationalistic sentiments in several parts of the country including georgia where such sentiments were particularly strong. apparently because of not wishing to be the second grade people first ossetians and later abkhazians tried to secede. In both cases in response to their decisions georgia sent troops to their regions. There were 2 wars in both of which georgia lost for one reason because at that time its army was only being formed and was not any strong. in both cases russia served as a mediator helping the sides to sign a ceasefire. under the terms of both ceasefire agreements russian peacekeeping troops were sent to the respective regions. since then both breakaway regions have run their own affairs and did not want to integrate back in georgia, for one thing because the first attempt of geoorgians to reintegrate them was accompanied by attrocities committed by the georgian army. they were, however, never recognized by any country in the world including russia. russia however has been helping those people and put them on a fast track to its citizenship - because those people did not have any citizenship - they were soviet citizens but never citizens of georgia and that was creating problems for them. recently georgian government decided to reintegrate one of those regions by force once again. the georgian army fired at a lightly armed russian peacekeeping force and then moved on to wiping out villages and towns in ossetia using tanks heavy artillery and multiple rocket launchers. many people (according to the russian claim around 1000) were killed on the first day of the georgian onslaught and 10s of thousands ran for safety to russia and became refugees. then the russian army moved in and now the georgians say they are the victim (b/c they lost the war i guess). in any case, after the 2nd massacre in less then 20 years committed by georgians against them ossetians are not particularly eager to reintegrate in georgia. i find it pretty natural. don't you think.

  2. August 11, 2008 · Georgia claims Russia has been interfering with its affairs in South Ossetia. Alex Chadwick talks to Irakli Alasania, Georgia's permanent representative to the United Nations, about the conflict.

    "The thing is ... we are dealing right now to be clear with two different things. One is the aggression and attack on the Georgian state, a full-scale invasion, which is going on against all of the principles of international law," Alasania says. "And the second ... is a humanitarian catastrophe that was ignited by this conflict. I mean, there are lots of civilian populations killed on both sides of this community: Ossetians and Georgians."

    I hope i helped my friend very very good Question !

    Take care

  3. On 20th September 1990  South Ossetia declared its independence from Georgia. The first South Ossetia supreme power election was in December 9 1990. But Georgia acknowledged the election to be illegitimate and decreed to abolish sovereignty of the new unrecognized Republic of South Ossetia, and on the next day the Georgian government implemented the state of emergency on the territory of South Ossetia. On 6th January 1991 Georgia put its army on the territory of South Ossetia, activated the operations and started the blockade of the autonomy of South Ossetia. As result more than 10 thousand people left South Ossetia for North Ossetia and about 30 thousand Ossetians left Georgia. During the armed conflicts 1991-1992 about 300 Osetians disappeared without a trace, more than 40 thousand got status of refugee, and more than 100 Ossetian rural area were destroyed by Georgian army.

    The armed conflicts were stopped when Boris Yeltsin and Eduard Shevardnadze signed the Dagomys agreements.

    South Ossetia became an independent republic in January 1992 de facto, but Georgia could not let it go.

    In 2004 Mikheil Saakashvili has became the president of Georgia, and the main subject-target of his presidential campaign has been South Ossetia. He has violated the Dagomys agreements.

    Georgia vs. South Ossetia: roots of a 100-year conflict

    On 8th August 2008 Georgia declared the war against South Ossetia.

    Russia points to media bias in coverage of S.Ossetia conflict

    CNN use footage of Tskhinvali ruins to cover Georgian report

    American citizen telling the truth about Georgian invade in South Osetia

    [b]Civilians perish as Georgian troops torch church[/b]

    August 12, 2008

    The Regnum news agency is reporting that Georgian troops burned down a 10th century Orthodox church while terrified civilians perished inside. The agency quotes eyewitness accounts of the atrocity after all-out fighting in Khetagurovo, a small village near the republic’s capital Tskhinvali.

    Almost all of those fighting to defend the village were killed, but the report says the fate of others, mostly women and the elderly, turned out to be even more horrible.

    Eyewitnesses report that Georgian tanks literally ran people down and that soldiers took almost all the women to another location. Their fate is still unknown.

    Meanwhile, those who didn’t manage to escape found their shelter in a 10th century Orthodox church. Civilians hoped that Georgians of the same faith wouldn’t dare storm the building, one of the oldest of its kind in the country.

    But Regnum reports that the Georgian troops set the church on fire and left those inside to perish.

    It is the latest in a series of reports of the Georgian military attacking and killing civilians.

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