
Why is Russia invading Georgia ?

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Why is Russia invading Georgia ?




  1. Because Georgia's democratic government wants membership in NATO and Putin knows if he can eliminate their government, he can prevent NATO from stopping him from rebuilding the Soviet Union.

    Also, because Georgia holds the lion's share of an oil pipeline that prevent his total control of European fuel access. With it, he can bring all of Europe to it's knees.  

  2. vodka

  3. Why can't everyone jest keep there noses in their own business and get along?

  4. Nobody's invading Georgia. Russia only defends South Ossetia from Georgian invasion.  

  5. They attacked a territory that Russia is financially backing, and Georgia wanted to join NATO, because they want autonomy.

    Dictators seem to have a harder time keeping thier heads on their shoulders if you have free people living near.

  6. Because it's now a battleground, thanks to Georgian aggression, tanks, and troops attacking in that area... no matter how this is played by the media, know that Georgia opened the Can. It was a bad move, in giving Russia a reason.

    Why are we reading about Big Bad Russia etc? well.. that's simple.. because the media here says/shows in an Election Year: "Putin is bad" "Putin talks to Bush" "Bush is bad, and McCain is a 3rd Bush term". It's THAT simple..

    USA media doesn't try to complicate Real News with real breakdown of why, how, who, what, wheres.. anymore. They just pretend it's a comic book -- good guy, bad guy. Georgia is small, Russia big. There ya go!  ...This way, you can be deflected from say.. a Dem Congress etc. doing NOTHING for inner cities, Darfur still a bleeding heart cause for decades now without solution (right?) and 100s of other issues that will not be Page 1. Otherwise, you'd actuall demand US candidates debate, right?

    Ask Obama about Iran? McCain about manufacturing in China vs. USA industry? ask either about US auto industry? naaah... show that PARIS HILTON leggy video again, man!! (then a serious-face with Georgia footage) that's news today.

  7. I'm guessing it has something to do with their unbelievably tasty pecan pie

  8. Why did the USA invade Iraq?

  9. They say it is to retrieve there citizens.  I believe they are trying to reunite the USSR!

  10. For the same reason USA invaded Iraq, because they can !

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