
Why is Russia so opposed to new entrants into NATO?

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It seems that Russia is terrified of Ukraine or Georgia becoming part of NATO. Why is Russia so scared tot he extend of invading sovereign nations?




  1. Russia's  opposed to anything that doesn't benefit them.

  2. Ron G is right, what would the US do if Russia allied with a coutry in our back yard and armed them, such as Cuba. Oh yea we already saw what happened there.  

  3. Russia opposes the entrance of Georgia and the Ukraine (and 5 other nations) into NATO for the simple fact that it would allow any NATO country to put troops ON the Russian border. They're not terrified per se, they are extremely cautious for good reason. Imagine what would happen if, say, Canada were to join the Warsaw pact. That would allow Russia to put troops and equipment right on the US/Canada border. How do you think that would sit with the US government? RIGHT. Now you see why they don't want them part of NATO.

  4. because nato was designed to deal against russian troops. therefor nato and any country in nato will always be against russia. how would the us feel if several countries got together to join forces against the us? and then canada and mexico (its neighbors) decided to join that organization?

  5. Because they're paranoid commies

  6. NATO was formed to deal with Russia's military. Russia wont allow NATO to be in their backyard.  

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