
Why is Ryan Seacrest such a tool?

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He stands there over enunciating his words, bobbing his head and twitching at every end of a sentence - really hamming it up.

Now he's sporting that stupid (fauxhawk) hairstyle all the metro-sexual boys are wearing.

Could he be any more of a tool?




  1. I don't think he's metro, i think he's just in the closet. DEEP.

  2. i think he is really a cute g*y guy that no one knows that he is g*y .lucky g*y guys!!!! or he's on speed

  3. LOL

    I don't think so.  

  4. I would think not, but I bet he will try his hardest!!!

    And seriously, how much plastic surgery will this man get?

  5. Nope, he couldn't.

  6. And I thought I was the only one who can't stand this idiot.  He makes me want to throw things at my tv when he is on it, so I try to avoid American Idol and the whole E channel.

  7. I'm going to go against what everyone says.... I think he's an OK guy.  I'm not a particular FAN of any sort, but he doesn't seem horribly g*y (for example, Clay Aiken).

    He's alright in my book.  That's all.

    Bring on the thumbs down!

  8. lol,no! but he probably the nicest guy you'll ever meet  

  9. Lmao!  Yes he is a tool.  I'm sure he'll try his hardest to be an even bigger tool.  

  10. LOL!  Everyone hates him, it seems.  And whenever he tries to make a joke, he only manages to come off as a douche bag:  Like ripping off Kathy Griffin's shirt at the awards show or throwing coke (or water, whatever) at Simon.

    He's just one of those guys that rubs everyone the wrong way, while trying his damnedest to fit in, yet maintain superiority while he was at it.

    I think the worst thing I've ever see him do was snub Gary Busey on the red carpet.  Oh yeah--and Jennifer Garner is a *****, too.

    Oh, and also--the only "celebrity" that -might- have a shot at out-tooling him, is Johnny Fairplay.  Seriously.

  11. Seacrest, out!

  12. LOL.

    No, probably not.

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