
Why is Sarah Palin afraid to let the Trooper Gate investigation go to hearing immediately?

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Palin has delayed the investigation and hearing into Trooper Gate, when she fired Alaska's Safety Commissioner for not firing her ex-brother-in-law. If she were innocent she would let the process run its own course, but she filed an ethics violation in another department against herself to delay the hearing by tying it up in the another department. Why would she do this if she were innocent? She has a history of trying to fire people who didn't do what wanted when she wanted. There is a name for such people, fascist dictator.




  1. Are we taking about ex-brother-in-law who had tasered his own 10-year-old stepson?

    Democrat's Hero!

  2. She isn't, that is an assumption on your part based on nothing but political bigotry.

    Let's take inventory:

    motivation mind-reading

    "guilty until proved innocent"


    This is half the inventory of political bigotry at it's best.

    The facts?

    She is being investigated.

    She is innocent until proved guilty.

    One letter from a person who admits she was not on good terms with Governor Palin is simply not proof of anything.

    This kind of political bigotry, exaggerated with imaginary claims and assumptions is normal for the course.

    However, it is still contemptible.

    Is this you, folks?  Is this the kind of political discourse you agree with?

    Are these your ethics?

  3. Do you understand that the trooper was married to her sister, and he was terrorizing the family - threatening to kill each of them in different ways, which he would describe to them, along with GOV PALENS SISTERS TEN YEAR OLD CHILD, who the trooper even fired a taser at and electrocuted - we are talking about a small child, here.

    When he did this, his threats were obviously becoming real and physical -  

    When a person physically attacks a child and threatens death to an entire extended family, whether it is your family or someone else's, and that person is carrying a badge that gives him the legal right to go onto ANY PROPERTY,

    that is a dangerous situation, and that trooper has to have the badge and his gun taken from him.

    Now what part of that do you find weird? The fact that the Govenor wanted to save the life of a child, or the fact that the Govenor wanted to save the lives of the rest of the family?  

    You certainly are soaking up ridiculous ideals from God only knows where.  This trooper information in its entirety was made public knowledge the day Palin was offered the position of Vice President;  there is no such truth in your statement about her "having a history of firing people who didn't do what she wanted" - there was one single trooper,

    and you are being flim-flammed with information that simply is not truthful.   You are obviously not informed that the media has been biased for Obama since the beginning of his ridiculous sideshow, and he is the one you should be doing all this fancy research on: you can begin with those who lived for years under the Chicago Corrupt politicians

    and ask them what they think of your sweetheart Obama.

    He has no experience, has been taught under communist,

    marxist and socialist teachers throughout his adulthood,

    he has been involved in one shady deal after the other, he

    has a huge chip on his shoulders against whites, he will divide this Nation and tax you until you are blue in the face and give over $850 BILLION dollars of OUR MONEY to the Global tax, which the UN is supposed to distribute around the world to stop poverty by the year 2015 - well, those warlords will never feed their people, but they will take all that money and buy weapons to attack America with, that you can be sure of.  Meanwhile, when all our money is going to buy terrorist guns, we will be suffering with a bad economy here at home; and, unfortunately there won't be any charities or homeless shelters because nobody will be giving to support those anymore - nope, we will instead be FORCED TO BE CHARITABLE and those monies we normally give to charities in our communities, will be taken from us in the amount of $2000./yr for every man, woman and child in America.   Well, top that with tax increases for those Obama says make $250,000.00 and up, and you've just put an economic strain on small business owners to where they will not be hiring any employees next year. Thanks alot, Obama.  The larger corporations who pay most of the taxes in this Country NOW, will be taxed so harshly (over 60%) that they definitely won't be hiring, and benefits will no doubt be cut for the employees who are not laid off.  Yep, great times ahead if you get your messiah in the Oval Office.   And you are gonna do your fancy little research project because a woman is pissed off that her small nephew got tasered by a nutjob who has been threatening the entire family - even threatened to shoot their dog???????????????  What the h**l is the matter with you?  What would YOU DO?  Maybe you would just send Obama in to "talk nice to the guy who wants your family dead".  Yeah, that'll work....try that....

    Your ignorance is astounding, and you are allowing a flim-flam artist from Chicago con you real good, huh?  Does your leg tingle when you think of him, too??  Go to

    the website called chicagoans against obama and get some real information from unbiased people who live there.

  4. I'd fire a State Patrolman that used a taser on his own step-son too.

  5. Sarah Palin is afraid because she knows that if the verdict does not come out her way it will make her and John McCain look bad in the eyes of voters who probably already doubt them

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