
Why is Sarah Palin delaying the Trooper Gate investigation from going into hearing immediately?

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Palin has delayed the investigation and hearing into Trooper Gate, when she fired Alaska's Safety Commissioner for not firing her ex-brother-in-law. If she were innocent she would let the process run its own course, but she filed an ethics violation in another department against herself to delay the hearing by tying it up in the another department. Why would she do this if she were innocent? She has a history of trying to fire people who didn't do what wanted when she wanted.

Is she a fascist dictator trying to hide her crimes?

The accusations against her ex brother-in-law Wooten were filed by the Palins, there are no other witnesses. The investigations on the accusations against him turned out to be unsubstantiated. Sounds like a case of "bearing false witness against your neighbor".

Pundants have mentioned her being innocent until proven guilty. But what about Wooten? Those who are quick to defend Palin are quick to find Wooten guilty?

She has a history of firing or trying to fire people who get in her way. Labor activists and management practices use firing someone as a last act of discipline. Transfer, demotion, promotion, suspension, and forced retirement are first options; not firing.

Look at these for more information:




  1. I just find it funny that they talk about her amazing reign as governor for 2 years... How is this an amazing run???

  2. I wouldn't do anything but start my fire with the Boston Herald, never heard of or care to hear of

  3. of course she is what do you expect she is a republican

  4. Why is it that neither of your links lead anywhere?  hmmmmmmmm?

  5. She's afraid of the truth. Most Republicans are.

  6. Easy, there.  You keep this up, and Hannah Alaska will start singing, "Don't cry for me, Argentina!"

  7. she wants to hide the truth as long as possible.

    OBAMA 08

  8. Sarah doesn't want the Legislature to conduct the investigation because she knows she will lose.

    So she is having the State Personnel Board try to take over the ethics review.

    Here's a hint at why:  She appointed all of the board members!!!

  9. This is the type of typical Washington garbage that needs to stop. The idea that she is an 'outsider' only goes so far as that she's never 'lived' in Washington.. She is quite good at playing the games some Washington politicians play... that's apparent. Why would McCain want to bring more trash like this into Washington? I thought he was supposed to be keeping it out?

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