
Why is Sarah Palin so popular these days? Is Obama jealous of her?

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Why is Sarah Palin so popular these days? Is Obama jealous of her?




  1. I not sure Sarah Palin can handle speech 90000 people..Sarah Palin just a kid that they picked for some women voters

  2. I don't think jealous is the word.  Concerned might be more accurate.

    She is at the intersection of a several key groups.

    1) Evangelical Christians, there are about 40 million of them and a lot were breaking his way.  This at minimum stems the tide and will likely bring most of them back to McCain

    2) Small town voters, Obama dropped them on the table, she is there to scoop them up.

    3) White female independents.  They were pretty evenly divided, they could be a real strong pick up for McCain

    4) Union workers.  They are a strong Democratic base, but she will do her part to weaken that support.  Unlike her opponents, she and her husband were and are union members.

    5) Anybody that actually understands the energy situation.  Which admitted is a pretty small group, but this election might come down a few thousand votes in a couple key states.  

    I think he has his work cut out for him.  But he certainly is a formidable politician and will no doubt have a strong response.

    He ought to muzzle the sleaziest of his supporters, their slander will likely backfire.

  3. Actually, he is jealous.  Remember two years ago, Obama admitted that he wasn't qualified to be president, now all of the sudden he is?  He is mad because someone is taking the limelight off of his sorry azz.

  4. She is a redneck celebrity like Britney Spears

  5. Obama jealous?


    If there's anyone who is jealous, that's John and Cindy McCain.

    Sarah has upstaged John McCain and she makes Cindy look even more transparent and paler.

  6. I heard her on a radio interview.  She's a rapid speaker, with a seriously intense grasp of facts and figures, with winning commentary.  She's precocious actually.  She speaks off the top of her head and thinks fast on her feet.  

  7. Uh...Palin is popular because she is a good-looking woman...certainly not for her mind...Obama is laughing his a*s off while he is packing for the move to the White House...

  8. Yes

  9. Jealous? Nah ... but annoyed that she's stolen some of his free air time? ... definitely.  According to some news sources, Obama's camp feared that McCain would pull something as surprising as Palin out of the hat, and he did!  Team Obama should at least be feeling pretty stupid right now for not at least putting Hillary on their shortlist.  

    Even though I support her ... I'm glad Clinton's not on the ticket, but of course there's still a big question in my mind over the issue of party unity.  No matter what the Clintons themselves might have to say ... and no matter what some carefully selected sound bites in the mainstream media might suggest, I'll still be a Clinton supporter for McCain come November.

  10. Because she is inexplicable the Republican VP pick when there are alot more qualified candidates out there, even if you were to narrow your choice down to just Republican woman.

    I'm sure Obama is laughing his *** off about this. McCain just handed him the election.

    BTW, does anyone want to answer this question while we are discussing Palin?;...

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