
Why is Sen.Jim Webb (D-VA) getting away with his homoerotic 'novel'?

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He wrote what many consider an autobiography . A father goes to his son and they have oral s*x.

Sorry for mispelling homoertic. Is a g*y/incest story that got Imus in trouble with the democrats for reading it on his program.




  1. Because of that pesky thing you cons hate so much, The First Amendment.

    "homoerotic novel"

    So you bought your copy and read it already?

  2. Sorry to say its a miss use of Freedom of Speach

  3. To Liberals, Homosexual s*x is normal. Pedophelia, nambla memberships, g*y pride parades, abortion on demand, are typical liberal fare. Only the conservatives are held to a higher standard and bashed for days on end when a fault is found. LIberals only "tolerate" those that are like minded.

  4. How do you know it's homoerotic (whatever that means) unless you READ it?????  Besides,  we are guaranteed the FREEDOM to write basically whatever we want because the first amendment of the constitution of the United States SAYS SO.    You don't HAVE to read it if you don't WANT to--it's not like it's REQUIRED reading..... ..  They put all KINDS of TV shows on yet you have a thing called an ON OFF SWITCH or REMOTE CONTROL which gives you a CHOICE of what to watch---Senator Webb is just giving SOMEONE the CHOICE to read what his thoughts are.... nothing more,  nothing less.

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