
Why is s*x and the City so universally popular with women?

by Guest65184  |  earlier

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Why is s*x and the City so universally popular with women?




  1. Because it has 4 unique characters that are relatable to most women.

  2. A show about three hookers and their mum, thats all it is to me. As a guy i think the way men are portrayed is pretty stupid and unrealistic and if any of my female friends acted like them i would refuse to speak to them.

    Its Lifestyle p**n for Women

  3. Because it mixes friendship, fashion and hot men

  4. Never seen it, and based upon previews and commercials I think it looks dull.  Of course, I'm a geek.  If they set it in the 25th century and another planet I'd probably give it a shot.

  5. Because it's a load of rubbish American that people will blindly watch liek 'friends'

  6. appeals to all womens fantasy of being the s*x object they all truly want to be

  7. This will hurt alot of Women. It reaches many Women on a deep and emotional level. It promotes Narcissism and using Men like Men have used Women. It reverses the Sexual Roles. And allows Women to become Predatory in the way they seek Male companions. And makes no apologies for doing so. It fantasizes about high priced clothes, lots of shopping, upscale trendy venues. It makes the Women celebs and users of Men.

    It is a form of psychological payback. Its get even with Men, and live a wild uninhibited Sexual Freedom. It is a fantasy not based upon reality. It is also mentally unhealthy. It allows Women to entertain sexual fantasies that are "Bohemian" or not societally approved.

    Trying to live your life this way, will lead to a disaster. It is Raunch Feminism brought to the Small Screen and the Movie to the Big Screen. s**t Feminism in all its glory.

  8. I've never seen a single episode of it.

  9. the protagonist and her friends are vapid and selfish individuals who become perturbed whenever their privileged little lives are anything less that perfect.

    seen it a couple of times, the redhead treats her boyfriend like he is a pet!

    many women can relate to this, many cannot.

  10. Because it's not intelligent and the plot lines are easy for women to comprehend themselves without the assistance of other men.

  11. I strongly dislike it - so it's not *universally* popular. And I doubt I'm alone in that. It might have become popular because it's open, frank and fairly funny for an american sitcom, has a wide range of charactors that aparently developed through the series (i stopped watching), deals with s*x and sexual behavoirs without being coy/immature (a novelty) and the voice over gimmick was still fairly new then.

  12. Never seen a single episode. Never even watched one of the adverts all the way through.

    "Universally" is a big word for a very ordinary tv show.

    Cheers :-)

  13. I don't know, I've never watched, it just never seemed to appeal to me, I'm more of a dinnerladies fan.  it's one of the major differences between American and english comedy.  America has comedies about skinny, glamorous women in flashy settings, and England has comedies about unskinny unglamorous women in very mundane settings.

  14. 4 women which behave like g*y men, beats me really.

  15. Why would anyone assume any television show is universally popular?

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