
Why is Shin Kicks so painful to use.?

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i dont understand how fighters use them, and how cro cop kick people with his feet... its so painful.

when people lift up their knees ,and i land on their knees with my shin...ow




  1. Shins are one of the hardest areas to grow any protective muscle, so they're just skin and bone, with no cushioning.

  2. You are correct that hitting someones knee with your shin is painful. Shin kicks are very effective if you use them to kick the inside of the opponents legs. If you often end up hitting their knee, you simply need to practice more. It took me a while to get it right. Now I use them often. You will commonly see people use shin kicks to the outside of the opponents leg. That is fine but if you can kick the inside of his leg it is easier to injure him.

    This is evident if you think about it. If you pinch the skin on the outside of the leg and then the inside. you know that the inside skin is more sensitive. The arms are the same in that respect. Many of the nerves are on the inside and are more easily injured when attacked. The only thing here is that to attack the inside of the legs and arms takes more skill and accuracy.

  3. Keep kicking hard objects with your shin and you'll understand.

    By doing that, it kills off all the nerves on the shin bone and it makes it really hard. I used to kick with my foot because using my shin hurt like h**l but nowadays, I'm using my shin because it hurts less than using my foot.

    Keep practicing and condition your shin. Until then, I say it's pretty hard to understand why they make you use your shin. Anyways, you can generate more power and put more weight into your kick by using your shin.

  4. shin kicks are very hard strikes and are very popular cause over time you will weakend your oppents legs and that makes it easier to take people down cause there base is not fully supported any more.

  5. Well shins are very big dense bones and hitting them into a weak area such as the thigh where there are lots of nerves can cause great pain. The feet bones are small and weak compared to the shin that is why they are less effective to use for kicks. Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists

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