
Why is Step Brothers rated a 15??

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It looks like a good film from the trailer i watched, and id like to go and see it in the cinema, but i don't like films with bad things in them. Can you give me some information about it.. THANK YOU! I appreciate it! lol




  1. because it would be politically incorrect if it was any lower

  2. Imdb content advisory. Right Here! ~

  3. what!? I'm only 12 and I really wanted to see that! grrrrr!!! I thought it would be a 12 maybe but great its a 15!

  4. Proberly Contains nude,cursing etc

  5. Depends on the kind of humor you like.  I, personally, hated it.  But I don't like those slap-stick, f**t-humor kind of comedies.  I get bored quickly.  I want something more interesting, something with a bit more sustenance behind it.  And if "bad things" constitutes cussing, crude humor and sexual innuendos then I'm not sure you'd enjoy it.

    My b/f and all his friends, however, liked it.  But that's b/c their men and men tend to like those kind of movies.  Go see it for yourself and you be the judge!

  6. I saw this movie and it is hilarious yet it should be rated R you see a p*nis there is innapropriate language allot of it and a little bit of violence if you dont like films with bad things in them i would still reccomend seeing it it is one of my favourite movies but if you really hate movies with bad stuff i woulnt i dont really like bad stuff in movies but it was just to funny!!!!!!!!

  7. the film 'step brothers' is rated 15 in england for the following reason:

    seemingly non-stop sexual dialouge/conversation

    Dale and Brennan are shown looking at porno magazines with nude women on the cover multiple times during the movie, but you cannot really see the cover

    A lot of explicit sexual jokes

    Marks wife has s*x with Dale in the mens room (clothed, no nudity)

    Brennan pulls out his testacles (obviously fake) and puts them on the tom-toms of a drumset

    small school children harass, then beat up Dale and Brennan and make them l**k dog p**p

    later in the after credits of the movie the brothers beat up the school kids

    nearly non-stop R-Rated language and phrases including the F-word and derogatory terms for homosexuals.

    Brennan and Dale are shown drinking wine at a party, other than that not much

    At one point Brennan also states that he smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins.

    Brennan gets crushed under a make-shift bunk bed (hes ok)

    Any more questions, feel free to contact me:

  8. its what you would expect from a film like that good cheap laughs !

  9. You must be from Canada. It's 'R' in the US. According to the MPAA: Rated R for crude and sexual content, and pervasive language.  

  10. thats weird im 13. and i got in...


    I sometimes use the web site above to look at what to expect in a film, as I don't like scary movies.  Have a look at the parental guide, that gives you a idea of what is in the film to make it rated how it is.

    Hope this helps for this film and future films,  

  12. because will feral gets his testicles out an rubes the on the drum set.

  13. Title: Step Brothers (2008)

    Rating: R

    Rating Reason:Rated R for crude and sexual content, and pervasive language.

    Distributor: Columbia Pictures

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