
Why is Team Palin saying Sarah can beat Obama in one on one Basketball, any time any day she can stuff him ???

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Obama is a baksetball man there is no way ... even if Sarah owns the paint. He can hit it from the 3




  1. Have you seen Obama try to answer questions without a teleprompter?

    It takes him fifteen minutes to get each answer out and half of it is  . . .duh . . .ummmm . . .uh . . .!

    The guy can't think quickly on his feet.

    Where did you hear that he was such a B-Ball star on any team? I heard that he spent most of his time keeping the team towels nicely folded.

    Get Palin on the B-Ball court with him and she'll blow by him so quickly he'll still be trying to pick up his big feet while she's putting it in the hoop!

    She was a "starter". He was a "bench-warmer".

    Kind of like it should be in the Presidency!  

  2. team palin is talking the same pills as mc cain.

  3. She can shoot, clean, and carry a Moose from the top of the Mountain to the town below!!!

    Obama can barely hold up a bowling ball!

    I am making light... but really, what kind of question is this???

  4. I'd actually like to see Sarah stuff Obama.

  5. Gidget isn't tall enough to stuff it, and she can't play with the Big Boys-- either in basketball or on the World Stage.

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