
Why is Ted Kennedy against Free Nantucket wind turbines.?

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For several years now the Senator and many other special interest groups located the area have been opposed to setting up offshore windmill farms that will supply the whole of Nantucket Island with free electricity. I've heard alot of wild rumors so I will not start spreading them. What's the deal with that. If it gets down to nobody wants any power generator in their backyard then well . . . Is this thing even close to the land where people could see it?




  1. It's the almost universal human response of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard). It doesn't matter if a person is rich, poor, powerful, or weak, most people respond this way to anything that they fear might have a negative impact on the lifestyle they currently have.

  2. John Kerry also. They don't want the windmills to ruin the scenery.

  3. It's not the free power. It's the windmills spoiling the view of the Mass coastline, and decreasing property values of the homes that are on the waterfront. If I read the report right, the windmills would be in view of the shore.

  4. It's strange how the most ardent environmentalists are against having the solution next to them.

    It's like everything the Left does. They have all the answers, and they'll cure all the ills of the world with your money and property no matter if that idea is workable or not.

  5. why pick on that r****d..they all do it...the florida politcos say ok drill in alaska...barbra boxer?? yes dirll in florida/alaska but not calf..martinas in florida sez go drill in alaska and off new orleans and texas...virginia is the only one who sez drill here!  show us the money!

  6. Aside from what Ted Kennedy's agenda is in lobbying against wind mills, the sure problem with having seas and seas of windmills on capes and islands is they are very deleterious to migrating birds. And capes and islands have high tarffic of migration during migratory seasons.

    Altamont and Majove desert are just few places that have already faced problems with wind mill related bird kills. We are loosing even federally protected birds such as the golden eagle each year at Altamont. You see, when the blades of the wind mills are spinning, the birds can't see them. Just as we can't see the blades of a floor fan when its in operation. Also when the birds perch on the wind mills and it suddenly goes into operation, we lose birds that way too.  

    Sure there are devices that can be used as antiperch devices. And color the blades to make them visible even when they are spinning at high speed. But, still we can't keep the poor creatures from running into a windmill when its spinning at full speed at night. At night, it does not even have to spin at full speed, the birds can't see them. And when the nights are warmer, some species of birds prefer to migrate at night time.

    So Kennedy or no Kennedy, this is one of those projects we need to design very carefully taking into consideration all the other creatures we share this Earth with and are important for our survival.

    Sometimes we jump on these band wagons, even if its for going 'green', and refuse to apply the breaks when necessary. And we end up spending lot more excruciating years cleaning up our mess. And boy do we already have a whole lot to clean up! Sometimes good intentions are just not enough. We need educated decisions.

  7. Kennedy hasn't been able to stay in office for so long without taking in money from 'special interests'.  I'm talking of course about donations from oil companies who see loss of their profits to people who decide to build wind farms.  No more diesel generators on Nantucket and only free energy from the wind, think about which one spells doom for oil companies selling their fuel?

  8. Had the same thing on Vancouver island. People don't want wind turbines marring the viewscape seen from their properties.

    I agree with the sentiment.

  9. Its ugly and he is drunk. Remember Chappaquiddick where he let that girl drown and tried to hide.

  10. Probably he's trying to save the view or some such.  We have some around here and you can see them from over five miles away, so they'd have to be pretty far offshore.

  11. It's the same old "not in my backyard" mentality.  Funny, it's fine and well for you and me (those who presumably don't appreciate a beautiful vista), but not for him.  Things that make you go hmmm ...

    *Oh, and just so you animal lovers know, some animals are gonna die no matter what.  And maybe the golden billed eagle will evolve into a smarter bird.  Why don't you worry about the human animal who is at least as important as the  critters you're forever crying about.

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