
Why is Theodore Roosevelt grouped with such important figures in American history on Mount Rushmore?

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Who chose these four? and Why not other presidents? Roosevelt is my favorite president, so I don't disagree with the decision. I was just wondering how he came to be part of the four.




  1. Well he was the sculptors friend, but Roosevelt was one of the genuine great presidents in his own right. He built our first world class navy, was an anti-corruption crusader, founded the national park system. In short he was a Republican that would have opposed nearly every present day Republican belief. I also doubt very much TR would have gotten side tracked into Iraq or any where else after 9/11. Given his track record he would have ordered the focus on Osama Bin Ladin and his destruction over everything else...He invaded north Africa over the kidnapping of an American woman and her family. This was the subject of a more than slightly hokey film a few years ago "The Wind and the Lion". Somehow I can't visualize TR having this type of incompetent response to something like 9/11.....And he built the Panama canal which was a major factor in America's success in business and war in the twentieth century.....It went back to the fact as late as the Spanish-American war naval reinforcements from the Pacific to Atlantic had to steam around Cape Horn and the tip of South America between the oceans.....

  2. He's one of the Presidents that everyone knows, therefor an American Icon.  

  3. Here is a link that answers your specific question:

  4. Theodore Roosevelt is the President who brought the U.S. into the 20th Century.

    All of the presidents on Mt. Rushmore were chosen by the sculptor because of their roles in preserving the republic and expanding its territory.

  5. A little nepotism. T. Roosevelt was a friend of Gnudson Borglum

    (the designer of the monument).

  6. While there Teddy Roosevelt does not seem to be as important as the others on the surface, he was the president that made the United States into a world power. Between his more aggressive foreign policy and his push for the Panama canal, he made the USA a nation of influence in the world, both militarily and economically. There wasn't the same kind of defining moment, no major war or catastrophe to deal with during his presidency, but he was very much an architect of the America that people were proud to be part of.

  7. Because Roosevelt is the one who first set aside wilderness lands for use as public parks. He's instrumental in preserving the natural beauty of America.

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