
Why is Tiger scared to play Colonial?

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Why is Tiger scared to play Colonial?




  1. because of sponship issue . he would love to play colinial . but it is in conflict with his sponsers , requirments . if it was still colonial invitatinal . he definatly would . since colonial went coparate sponship . conflict of intrest . i hope he does play eventually . the wall of champions needs him . he deseves it . tiger has not seen a golf course he is afraid off .

  2. why you hatin?

  3. He isn;t scared. He just hasn't recovered from ARthroscopic surgery. Give him a break. He will play it in the next five years. And he will win one too.

  4. He won't be playing till the US open.

  5. he's not scared, tiger is a competitive athlete like michael jordan he loves the challenge the reason why he's not playing at the colonial tour is he's still recovering from a knee surgery i think he'll play at the memorial to be ready for the US open, he also picks the tournaments he wants to play.

  6. Tiger Woods has a limited number of tournaments in which he normally plays. I believe that four of them are funded by his sponsor, Buick. Then there are the Masters, US Open, British Open, PGA, Memorial, Mercedes , Bay Hill for Arnie, Doral.  Why would you think that TW is " scared" . That is quite infantile when he has won 25% ( 1 out of 4) of all the tournaments he has entered.

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