
Why is Turkey re-interpreting the hadiths, when Turkish scholars live in a country where hijab is banned?

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Are Turkey's attempts at re-clarifying the 'real meaning' of hadith meant for the whole muslim world, or only for those following Ataturk's version of Islam that bans muslimahs from following the sunnah in public places?




  1. Do not worry about what Turkey and the Turks may or may not be doing, you are better off looking out for your own future in the after life.  Quotes from the Kuran.

    “A man's true wealth here after is the good he does in this world to his fellow man.”

    - Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

    “There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.”

    - Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

    (Why did the Arabs side with Lawrence and the Allies against their so called Muslim Brothers ?  They were in positions of trust and yet they betrayed that trust would you not agree ? )

    “The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.”

    - Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

    “When he dies, people will say, 'What property has he left behind him?' But the angels will ask, 'What good deeds has he sent before him?'”

    - Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

    “He will not enter h**l, who hath faith equal to a single grain of mustard seed in his heart; and he will not enter Paradise, who hath pride equal to a single grain of mustard seed, in his heart.”

    - Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

    (I think this would save most muslims don't you think ?)

    “The time is near in which nothing will remain of Islam but its name, and of the Kuran but its mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of of knowledge and worship; and the learned will be the worst people under the heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon themselves.”

    - Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

    (That time is here already, look at all the Politics hiding behind the religion, like using the religion as a veil for their own political agendas, NOT THE TURKS but others).

  2. Turkey can't interpret hadises, because Turkey is a country.

    But Turkish Islamic scholars have many works, some of which really make sense and conform with the facts of the world and easy to follow and believer-friendly and cleaned from made-up hadises and based on the book not local traditions and egalitarian for women.

    I always recommend Turkish scholars from Turkish Theology Faculties over many others.

  3. hi,

    please check out this links for the information about the hadiths:

    these aren't neither Atatürk's version nor other person's version ;these are really Kuran's hadiths.

  4. I do not think wearing the hijab is a religious command.

    Hijab is not about the hair covering, but acting and dressing modest totally. Men have hijab too! They are adressed first:

    "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. "(4:31)

    Then the verse about women follows:

    "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms..."(4:32 in part)

    This verse that many use to proof it is mandatory, can be interpreted differently: no covering of hair, covering of the hair, some even say it means covering the face also.

    There are many women dress more modest than many hijabi's. I see walking in the streets here: they do wear a headscarf, but have tons of makeup on their faces, wear skimpy t-shirts and clingy jeans with high heels. Is that better than not wearing a headscarf but wearing non revealing clothes?

    Hijab or veil can be traced back to early civilizations. It can be found in early and late Roman and Greek art. The evidence can be seen in archaeological discoveries whether in pottery fragments, paintings or recorded civil laws. In Greco-Roman culture, both women and men wore head covering in religious contexts. The tradition of wearing the veil (by women) and the headcover (by men) was then adopted by the Jews who wrote it in the Talmud (Talmud equals the Hadiths and Sunna) then the Christians adopted the same. A well respected Rabbi once explained to a group of Jewish young women, "We do not find a direct command in the Torah mandating that women cover their heads, but we do know that this has been the continuing custom for thousands of years."

    Any student of the Jewish traditions or religious books will see that head cover for the Jewish woman (and men) has been encouraged by the Rabbis and religious leaders. Observant Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time and specially in the synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities.

    Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the nuns cover their heads all the time.

    As we can expect the traditional Arabs, of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear head cover, or "Hijab," not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia, up to this day most of the men cover their heads , not because of Islam but because of tradition.

    North Africa is known for its Tribe (Tuareg) that have the Muslim men wearing "Hijab" instead of women. Here the tradition has the hijab in reverse. If wearing Hijab is the sign of the pious and righteous Muslim woman, Mother Teresa would have been the first woman to be counted.

    The term hijab or veil is not used in the Qur'an to refer to an article of clothing for women or men, rather it refers to a spatial curtain that divides or provides privacy. The Qur'an instructs the male believers (Muslims) to talk to wives of Muhammad behind a hijab. This hijab was the responsibility of the men and not the wives of Muhammad. However, in later Muslim societies this instruction, specific to the wives of Muhammad, was generalized, leading to the segregation of the Muslim men and women. The modesty in Qur'an concerns both men's and women's gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia. The clothing for women involves khumūr over the necklines and jilbab (cloaks) in public so that they may be identified and not harmed. Guidelines for covering of the entire body except for the hands, the feet, and the face, are found in texts of fiqh and hadith that are developed later. That's why re-clarifying the 'real meaning' of hadith is needed.

  5. why do people like you always freak out with what turks are doing with islam?

    turks can freely explore what they want with the history of islam and adapt it to living in the modern world.

    its not ataturks version of islam,its the civilised human beings version of islam.

  6. The great author Richard Dawkins wrote a great book for people who think they know everything.. (people like you)

    it's called THE GOD DELUSION

    go read it... may be you will learn something

  7. it doesnt matter if they change hadith...

    hadith books have bring about their own laws,and commands not authorized by Glorious Quran..

    the shahadah is not same as Quran..

    the law for punishment of adultery is not the same as Glorious Quran...

    strange unauthorized commands have polluted and misguided the minds of majority,,such as Salawat/durud.

    distorted the facts that Prophet Ibraheem was the one to whom all religious duties were given such as salat,zakat,hujj,and fast.instead strange stories have emerged in hadith books.

    strange innovations such as,witr,taraweeh,sunnet maukadah and ghair maukadah, have become part of deen !

    hadith books are outright denial of Revelations of Glorious AL-Quran.

    majority doesnt believe in 3:18

    it doesnt matter if they want to reinvent something into hadith books..

    it hardly matters...

  8. There is no such a thing as " Ataturk's version of Islam", nor anyone's version of Islam.

    Islam is the same religion for one billion people in the world, and Allah is probably very angry towards all the people who use the Quran for their politic goals.

    Look at Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Iran, and other countries...

    For these countries, religion is only a pretext for ruling the country with biased laws and so-called hadiths.

    You are so ignorant, like all these people.

    I often see some Muslims who dare walking in the streets with these backward clothes from the Middle-Age, even in Europe ( London and Pars, between others).

    Haven't you seen how pathetic they are ?

    Women with hijabs or/and burqas, men with beards and long marabout-alike dress...Appareance seems to be the most important thing, for them, but they don't even respect the local laws...They are like clones,  with no individual freedom...They are like shadows...They seem to be proud with this showing-off attitude, but actually they only giving away their deep ignorance...And ignorance is a danger...These people  scare me...

    A vision of totalitarism, actually...

    And you know what ?

    I am Muslim, Arab, Algerian, French, and I think you are just a brainwhashed dumb moron !

  9. If turkey is secular that doesn't mean there are no Muslims and Muslim scholars any more.

    Its nice finding Scholars from there plus why cant we listen to their conclusions?

    Maybe they make sense?

    Its always nice to have others views in deen so we can help and get help.

  10. And in what world you are living?These different interpretations are there for centuries.Because of that there are many different cults.There are Shiites,Sunnis and a lot of others (which i don't know the English words for them). The only real truth for Muslims is the holy book and the actions and words of the prophet.But in those not everything is told with details.Therefore you have to INTERPRET.

    Just as an example, i was curios once that if Muslims are allowed eat crabs.And some was saying anything comes out of water is OK  to eat and some was saying only fish are allowed,some was saying apart from insects everything is allowed etc etc.

    But as a matter of fact,there will be always people who think their faith is better than the others.That's why Muslims are fighting each other for centuries and that's why now most of the western countries believe " not all of the Muslim people are terrorists but most of them are"

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