
Why is UFC President Dana White such a?

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... classless douche?




  1. Simple , he thinks he  IS  mma, that he is the star of the show.

  2. Yeah alright I watch the ultimate fighter and he can look a bit stupid at times seeing as he runs the company, but at the same time he's made the UFC what it is and for all the stuff on the net I dont believe for a second that he treats the fighters badly. If they were being paid c**p and treated badly they wouldnt still be there.

  3. its his nature

  4. He is a class a genuis.  He has built what the UFC is today a great organization.  And everyone saying they dont make money im sorry i would love to make 50,000 in one night that would be awesome.  These fighters have part time jobs they dont need the money they make a lot in 1 day.

  5. i think the biggest reason is because he screws the fighters of decent pay. But its been shown that, regardless of the crappy salary, its still better then what boxing pays. The lower fighters get paid better or something like that...

    or it could be the lack of hair, America hates bald people...just look at our presidents, the unwritten requirement is hair

  6. The man lacks subtlety at times but how exactly is he a classless douche? He's done **** loads for MMA my friend.

  7. Dana White could certainly curse less, but he doesn't deserve a lot of the criticism leveled at him. History will show that the UFC's approach of building the UFC brand is the way to go. You simply can't build a promotion around a fighter in a sport where anything can happen. Just ask M1-Global.

  8. I disagree, I think he did great things for the sport.

  9. Because the public loves his "hollywood" version of what a fighter looks like as well as his ability to fool the entire public into believing that his fighters don't take "Dives" all the time and that the UFC isn't as corrupt as "boxing" ever thought of being.  This is what makes him my favorite douche of all time.  He's proven that you can fool the public all the time.

    Important Note: Notice all the thumps down on my comment?  I've proven my point quite clearly.


    Read his bio it looks like he has always been a douche.  haha aerobic instructor/bellhop.

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