
Why is UK Premier Rugby such a bunch of LOSERs -?

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that they will not allow Andrew Sheridan and Mark Regan to play for the Baa Baas this weekend....seems like sour grapes to me. Most players still see it as an Honour to be asked to play for the Baa Baas and it is a shame that these players want to be involved and their Team Bosses are saying NO!!! More politics in the GAME.




  1. Sheridan and Regan were both picked for their clubs' Anglo-Welsh cup games this weekend. As Bristol now can not qualify for the next round, Regan has been allowed to play for the Baa-Baas but as Sale still have a chance of making the next round, Sale want him to play in their game against Leicester. As Sale are looking to win the cup, they want to pick their full strength team for this game, as there is more money in winning the cup than in letting one of their players play in a friendly match.

  2. Does anyone watch Rugby, I find it rather primitive.

  3. Stuart, you're talking rubbish.

    The clubs release players for weeks at a time for real internationals so it is fair enough that they don't for a friendly during a busy time of the season. The clubs own & pay the players therefore they are doing the correct thing. It is a shame but unless the whole issue of club v country is sorted, this will happen time and again.

  4. Firstly, those two arent that good anyway.

    Secnodly, who pays their salaries?  The clubs do.

    Would you want to pay someone who breaks a leg during a festival game that only raises money for the RU and not the clubs?

  5. I agree with most of your comments rockwale. However, I think you have been very selective in terms of the greatest games ever seen. The game you are talking about was a 23 – 11 victory, 4 tries to 2, to the Baa Baas. What about the 2004 game where the result was a victory to the All Blacks  47 – 19, 7 tries to 3. If we are talking about great expansive rugby this surely must be the greatest game ever!!!!!!!

  6. That idiot who says he finds rugby primitive, says so because he was never good enough to play... some personal grudge I guess? The only thing here primitive is him, has a resemblance to a primate by the looks of his avatar.

  7. You and me both. I am going to watch it at twickers and is rather dissed at the PL rugby for that.

  8. The GP clubs came to a agreement with the union about three weeks ago..unfortunately this baa baas stuff seemed to have been overlooked.

  9. It is not UK Premier Rugby but the English (Guinness ) Premier Rugby that wont allow players to play.

    They wont let the players play because they are under contract to play for their league sides. People pay very good money to see them play for their home teams, why should they be allowed to play a friendly instead?

  10. The EDF final games are this weekend, however that said, the so called professional boards running the games have forgotten the spirit of playing for the Baa Baas, open expansive rugby played as it should be.  The only club not to have a ground, all players come together for one reason, to celebrate champagne rugby.  Maybe they should review the greatest game ever seen 1972 Baa Baas v All Blacks, maybe then they will remember what the game of Rugby is all about

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