
Why is UNICEF getting involved with Halloween?!?

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I mean REALLY! What is their slant? Sorry, I would laugh them out of my house if they tried that....if they give anything to my kids, I would throw it away! Not a cool way to do propaganda!




  1. I dunno, but I looked up unicef and the word non-profit and found this crazy smurf video (made by them). They all blow up except for one.

  2. Don't know -don't trust them - wouldn't give them a dime! I think they are promoting socialism.

  3. They obviously see children as cheap labor.

  4. We just moved from Boise Idaho to Edmonton Alberta this year.  I'd never heard of the unicef halloween coin collection until my husband was preparing me for it as it was something he did as a child here.  He was disappointed to hear that the program ended in Canada last year.

    I'm surprised to see it start in the US since it seems that the tradition is changing over to going to the malls & stores for trick-o-treating or to parties at friend's houses instead of around the local neighborhoods.

    Personally, I think its great to teach children to be charitable and try to raise money for others.  Especially on a greedy holiday where kids are getting lots of candy, wouldn't it be nice for them to think of how lucky they are?  And to remember there are kids in the world who don't even have food or clean water?

    In the context of all the other questions you've asked lately, I would never have predicted you would react like this. I'd hardly call encouraging children to raise money for a children's relief fund propaganda.  Maybe you don't know what unicef is or something?!

  5. They are not getting involved with Halloween.  They have been involved in Halloween, for about 40 years.  As noted in other answers, UNICEF is part of the UN dedicated to helping improve the condition of children in the developing world.  For a long period of time, supporters of UNICEF in the U.S. has suggested using halloween as a time to get children involved in the habit of charity.  

    It makes for an intersting debate, should we encourage children to spend halloween pursuing and (lets be honest from our own childhood) hoarding sugary snacks or should we encourage them to be concerned about others.  Of course, there is something to be said for letting kids be kids and keeping them in the dark for a little while about how grim the real world is.

  6. They've always been involved with Halloween. I remember carrying around a little UNICEF box when I was like six years old.

  7. I don't trust anything involving the United Nations. Oil For Food: anybody remember that bull shiite? I mean the UN is the same Non-Governmental Organization whose soldiers have been accused of human trafficing, forced prostitution, and child rape numerous times when they were deployed to keep the peace...

    Anybody wonder why I don't trust them one d**n bit?

  8. gives the kids a purpose,helping other kids,,,,,,,,,,

  9. UNICEF is a charity that looks after children in the developing world.  You do not have to support them if you do not want to.  It is a shame if you do not though.

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