
Why is US and EU are concern about other nations human right issues?

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US has secret prisons in EU countries.Is this not considered human right abuse by the leaders of the world where other countries should learn from?




  1. Let me get this right, about your opinion... Torturing somebody because they have tortured someone else is wrong? So you don't think an "Eye for an Eye" motto is a good thing to go by? Rapists shouldn't be sent to jail and raped themselves? Oh never, that would be a much too harsh thing to do too a rapist right...? Rapists are for raping, not for being raped. Did i sum you up? Now my belief is that we should take an eye for an eye.. If a guy rapes someone, then they should get raped by Big Bubba themselves.

  2. US and EU are concerned with human rights issues because it is a state moral responsibility.

  3. The US and the EU are definetly not concerned about other nations' human rights issues. What makes you say that ?

  4. Its ok to violate the human rights of terrorists. ;-)

    Really though, which is the bigger problem, a few hundred terrorists in a secret prison (perhaps being tortured) or vast portions of a country's population being persecuted, tortured, and killed?

    In the end the answer is...because we can.

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