
Why is Venice in water ?

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Why is it built on water?




  1. It is an island. It is surrounded by water.

  2. Because they were trying to keep the Viking invaders out and building it on water (where the vikings have no boats) was the best way.

  3. The people of the Veneto region built the city on a salt marshland to escape invasions, the buildings are built over thick wooden piles. The “official” date of the birth of Venice is the 25 March 421.

  4. because the local people were trying to escape from the hordes of invaders from the north and west (people from what is now Germany and France) ... they got pushed further and further out from the shore ... Venice is actually built on a series of low-lying islands ... to keep their houses above water, they drove piles (tree trunks) into the muddy low-lying islands and built their houses on top of them

    then later on these same people found that their islands were perfect for trade by sea and became rich

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