
Why is Vermont so clean, peaceful and liberal?

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I'm from Brooklyn, and I don't get Vermont. This is the United States! There's supposed to be pollution, blatant commercialism and dogmatic religious policies! Why does Vermont seem to be the only state that doesn't embrace these values? Their air is clean, their water is pristine, there's no crime, no billboards, and everyone seems to love and accept each other dispite their differences! What is this, Scandinavia? Where do they get off being so much 'better' than everyone else??




  1. Pretty amazing isn't it?  When people can get along with one another for the common good?  Of course, there aren't that many people to begin with.  

  2. I was about to drop some realness on you, with stats and sources, and yahoo keeps showing ..."we're taking a breather".  Apparently yahoo doesn't like truth.

  3. Everyone that may have been conservative was aborted.

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