
Why is Walmart not participating in the BPA Baby Bottle Exchange

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Why is Walmart not participating in the BPA Baby Bottle Exchange? Babies R Us among others are offering an exchange of old bottles with BPA for new BPA Free Bottles. This is about the Health and Safety of our Children - why is Walmart not being more proactive about this? When I asked this question on I was sent to: ttp:// and still have not received an answer.




  1. because they would lose money.

    Before the current economy crisis I wouldnt shop there but now that times are hard I shop there when needed.

  2. Can you add more info about this bottle exchange? I don't see anything on Babies'r'us's site about it either.

  3. They don't care about their own employees' health and care- why would they care about your baby's?

  4. Probably because there is nothing in it for them.

    If you are asking this question, then you have not seen the film "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices"

    After seeing this, I will not shop there, ever.

  5. I didn't know about the exchange

  6. I never shop at Walmart for so many reason, this just gives me another reason not to shop there!!!

  7. I used to work for sams club which is owned by wal-mart and its probably because wal mart is veeery cheap!  They'll do anything to avoid losing money, thats all they care about!

  8. Babies R Us doesn't just exchange them because it's the good thing to do.  When you go in to exchange them you're pretty likely to buy something else, which is good for them.  At Walmart you're not.  Even if you do buy something else when you go in to exchange them at Walmart, you probably would have bought it anyway, plus their profit margin is much lower compared to Babies R Us.  

    Because it's silly.  Firstly you bought the bottles that contained BPA.  It has been widely known for several years that polycarbonate plastics contain bisphenol A, which can cause problems.  It isn't a new thing, which means that when you bought the bottles you could have known about their dangers.  Baby bottles need to be replaced every few months.  It's silly to think that you're entitled to free bottles because you bought the 'dangerous' ones.  You're going to have to buy new ones to replace worn out ones anyway, so buck up.

    Secondly baby bottles are not very expensive.  You can buy a package of three BPA free bottles for under $5.  BPA free sippy cups can be bought for about $1.50 each.  Just go buy yourself new bottles.  

    Why is Walmart not being more proactive about it?  Because that's your job, not theirs.  You're the one that is responsible for making the best decisions about health and safety of your children.

  9. Our Walmart only carried the BPA free bottles...Ok I called and they said they would take anything it may just be your area...

  10. Probably for the same reason they put recalled pet foods on the clearance aisle instead of shipping it back to the manufacturerer.

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