
Why is Yahoo Answers a crock of you know what?

by  |  earlier

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Why would you limit people on how much they can contribute to debates until they have spent an ungodly amount of time on your site? Earning 5000 points 2 points at a time so you can freely debate as much as you want is stupid.




  1. That just the rules of the game, sit back and enloy the ride.

    Also don't look at it as costing 5 points, you are giving lots of people the chance to get 2 points, so it a net gain for the world

  2. I don't know why you only get 2 points for answering a question, I have wondered that myself and thought they either need to lower the points needed to get from 1 to 2, or anything other "rank", or remove it completely. And the thing about the loosing 5 points per question, I think they should lower that to like, 3 points, one more than answering a question. But I think the main reason for loosing points for asking, and not for answering is, they might be encouraging people to go out and help others that they don't know, and who need it more.

  3. Yeah yeah.. why are you still here?

  4. NICE NAME and by the way it survives on answers not questions  ... it creates a balance on people actually answering questions and those being rewarded by getting to ask more because they have answered others.

  5. Are you having a bad night?

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