
Why is Yahoo Answers flooded with McCain fans ?

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Just somebody explain to me why you would want to vote for McCain. Doesn't make any sense to me why you would want to vote another republican in for another 4 years.




  1. Because they need a place to vent their frustration

  2. The Democratic Party has left us no choice since Johnson became president.

  3. You see.  It's more fun to bite Obama fans.  You guys are so serious.  Relax.  It's still too close to call.  I still cannot decide whom I'm going to vote.  It would be a question of faith - should I send McCain to clean up the Republicans, or should I send Obama to clean up the Republicans?  Then a question arises.  Who would I send to clean up the Democrats?  Ooop!  Sorry, I did it again.

  4. I've noticed that too...pretty much all of my answers get way more thumbs down than up.

    edit: Jason, maybe I will move. To Canada most likely...then I can get free health care.

  5. Just because McCain is a Republican does not mean he is like Bush!

    He actually knows what war is like. He wants out and knows what it is going to take to get out! Obama has no clue what to do to hire Obama means to hire 300 advisers to tell him what to do and say! to hire McCain means to hire McCain and a VP! Make sense?

  6. because the crazies come out at night

  7. It's because all the Obama fans are too busy to log online anymore. They're busy packing their bags to move out of the country because they know McCain's gonna win. Susan Sarandon's got her bags packed.

  8. Which is the question, why do so many on Yahoo like McCain, or why vote for McCain? You went off topic.

  9. Wrong ! ! ! ... The ObamaBots control Y/A !!!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  10. Because misery loves company!!! And common sense

    is in short supply.  

  11. its not just yahoo lol this is a mc cain world get used to it

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