
Why is Yahoo Letting Trolls Delete User's Accounts?

by Guest66845  |  earlier

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I am a regular user of the SCOXQ.PK message board on Yahoo Finance:

For the last year and a bit, we have been stalked, harassed and libeled 12 hours a day by a troll with hundreds of accounts. They rig the ratings, c**p flood, imitate users, etc

Lately, they are getting virtually every post deleted every day. Weeks worth of posts are gone. They have also managed to get *every single regular user's Yahoo account deleted*. Hundreds of people, some accounts years old. Doesn't matter whether posts are on topic. Gone. Long time users - gone.

We have filed hundreds of abuse reports, telling Yahoo what is going on to no avail. This person is operating on other boards as well, deleting accounts, stalking people.

Do humans read abuse reports? Why are we still being stalked and harasses and losing our accounts despite hundreds of reports?




  1. I dont know how it is here but I have had more than my fair share of Troll Attacks, YA wont or cant do anything. You have 3 choices, 1 Go away quietly,  2 Live with it, or, my favourite No 3 - I call them Yahoois trollensis(botanical name for a Pest Species) and whereever possible I hunt the bs tards down. It is really good fun

  2. Everything you say has been said over and over.  Yahoo! Answers Team says that it is a myth that Trolls run Y! Answers.  I get the impression that they think everything is working.  The biggest excuse that is used is that you can appeal the violation and win.  It is all manure.  The Trolls have won because the Yidiots are incapable of fixing the problem.  All of the supposed solutions to address the issue just make it more difficult for the regular users and easier for the Trolls and malicious people.  You are dealing with people with confused mindsets and frankly they will never fix the problem.  Preserve you sanity, end the frustration and go elsewhere where your talents might be appreciated.

  3. "Yahoo apparently wants their users to be stalked, harassed, libeled, and then have their posts and their accounts deleted wrongfully as punishment for using Y!"

    There. You've answered your own question!

    Yahoo couldn't possibly care less about their users.

  4. because they are too lazy to watch what is being deleted to see if it is a violation and i bet my answer will be deleted

  5. I don't know why they are doing it. After my last email to Y!A Admin, I suspect they may ban me from Y!A. Other than missing some of my contacts, I do not really care anymore. They delete questions that are not in violation, but they refuse to give specific details as to HOW they beleive the Q was in violation. If I get my account deleted, I do not think I will bother with Y!A again. I think it is time to go on and say good bye to the the Troll run Y!A.

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