
Why is Yahoo! so Liberal?

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Throughout my time using Yahoo! as my front page I have noticed a consistent leaning toward the left on nearly all of the news articles posted on Yahoo!'s front page. Is it possible to find a more centrally minded news source, or is that too much to ask in this days society?




  1. Why are conservatives such whiners?

    Yahoo is very conservative.

  2. Sure it's possible to find alternative news sources if you have any internet savvy. .

  3. How funny!

    They ought to be thankful for red blooded Republican billion dollar corporations that pay them their Millions upon Millions of dollars in Ad space. Or else there would be no "YAHOO.COM".

  4. The state of the world seems to lean to the left.

    It's simply reporting from the AP.

  5. hahh welcome to the media.

    Wheres the Republicans at these days?

  6. no,the media and yahoo are way to like i them all,go on the internet.stay away from the proven liars like the kos,moveon,code pink and all of the other commie rag websites that just spew hate with no solutions but to hate can see those people now in front of the can get more reliable news from the national enquire than you can from them.peace!

  7. Probably for the same reason they'll probably go out of business soon.  They aren't that bright.

  8. I cant say why really,but I agree with another one of the answers.The world always seems to lean left,and especially the U.S.This country is hellbent on taking god and family out ,and it has been well underway for quite some time now.Anyone with half a brain knows this country was founde on christlike principles,and our forfathers prayed daily at one time,before they conviened.The lack of parenting and the lack of christ in this country has hurried the decay of our society.You can say otherwise if you want,but look at stats of prisoners ,93% no fathers.All the liberals want gov. to control everything,and give them everything,but when everything goes array,they want to slam the establishment.We all know  that the New Orleans levey break was George Bushes fault,and the embezlement of LA politicians of millions didnt have any effect on the disaster resources.Maybe when Obama is elected every natural disaster will be his fault,Oh sorry,it is the former administrations fault.

  9. They just tell the truth. The USA would never allow lies in the news.

  10. You will have to search for newspapers outside the U.S. I like the guardian.

    I am extremely liberal and don't consider yahoo to be.  It's just McCain has been making some poor public desicions.

    Don't watch Fox if you want unbiased info either.  They just won a lawsuit with the statement "we don't have to tell the truth."

  11. Why is yahoo so conservative? I seem to see more Anti Obama pro life threads.

  12. well, wouldn't you have to guess because the reporters are liberals.

  13. Walk your a** and buy a newspaper.

  14. Okay just stop it with these kinds of questions.I see questions from some liberals who ask why Y! is so conservative questions from some conservatives who ask why Y! is so liberal.

  15. stop thinking so much!

  16. There to the right the UN and franc...

  17. Zarbon Z, they dont need to make the liebrals look like idiots, its petty much covered.

    Anyway, I have noticed that as well. It is probably due to the writers being liberals themselves, and noticing their base has more liberals than conservatives.

    And people who say the media is not biased towards the left need to open their eyes. But I know how you could think that.

    A good analogy is that no one thinks they have an accent. However, to anyone with a different accent, they do. So we will say the media is from France, as all the liberals, while the Republicans are from Britain. Both have an accent(as we all do), but the liberals wont detect the media's accent nearly as much as the Republicans would.

    If that makes sense to you.

  18. We all think the news agencies are biased against us.  Being conservative I see the AP feeds on Yahoo and find some of them distaste full just like you do.  When a liberal reads an article that goes the other way, they think Yahoo is conservatively biased.

    We all tend to notice the articles we don't agree with.  Yahoo news is much better than MS NBC which is very openly liberally biased.

    I'm afraid the only filter you have that works really well is yourself.  We all must decide for ourselves what is truth and what is political slant.

  19. They must have seen what has been happening to our country since the "Conservatives" have had control....

  20. I was just thinking the opposite !!!

  21. Media bias is well known and the AP supplies Yahoo. Yahoo gladly accepts.

  22. It IS centrist.  

    You are so right wing, even centrist looks liberal to you now.

    Left wing "Liberal" is anti nuclear, anti war, pro union.

    See, what you call leftist, is really centrist.

  23. Just another example of why this country needs Rush, and Fox news.  

  24. its not

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