
Why is Yahoo so stupid and irresponsible????? Discussion boards are full of racism, profanity & mindlessness.?

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Why is Yahoo so stupid and irresponsible????? Discussion boards are full of racism, profanity & mindlessness.?




  1. It's not entirely Yahoo's fault. It's because there are far too many crazy people on here to be kept up with. They're like a virus. They just keep spreading and spreading.

  2. Because people don't think thru who they are blaming for stuff?

    Or because people blame the wrong entity?

  3. Racism, profanity and mindlessness?  You're talking about the American people, the salt of the earth, the sacred and generous middle class.

    I'm shocked by these kinds of accusations.

    Look on the bright side.  At least the discussion board participants aren't effete intellectuals, you know, nattering nabobs of negativism.

  4. Those three words sum up most of the people that post on those boards. Take a good look at ANY news story discussion board, and some way or another no matter what the story, it ends up that way. I read a story once about some baby polar bear or some animal, and there were messages insulting democrats, african americans, and Christians. Pretty stupid, and it's everywhere, not just on the discussion boards. Just goes to show how immature people can be. It's kinda sad really :(

  5. Well, Yahoo has decided to extend the exercise of freedom of speech, which is one of the founding tenets of our Constitution, to their discussion board.  So if stupidity and irresponsibility come with the privilege of being able to express oneself freely and without fear, I welcome them.

  6. why is this world so stupid?

  7. Welcome to the human race.

  8. i have to say that you have a point and it is true but i can not tell you why people are like they are. maybe it is because they were not brought up the right way or maybe just because they don't care what others think of them.

  9. It's not Yahoo's fault, it's the fault of the users.

  10. we are bored you border jumpin, bean pickin, cat eatin freak!

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