
Why is Zoo-sexuality Illegal?

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Why is it illegal to have relations with livestock. They're bred for slaughter after all. If it was only that it is "disgusting" then there would be no need for the law, people just wouldn't do it. help.




  1. Its called beastiality.  Species dont naturally cross-breed, humans shouldnt either.  Its a law because animals have no form of consent. And if you are that hard up for tail get a hooker, not a cow.

  2. because it nesty and it a different spesice also their not alot of places in a zoo you can do your sick fanstry so ppl might see and it agansit the law to have s*x in public and it not civil you are just sick

  3. It's sinful.

    But in some places in Europe it is legal, and I assume that such laws will also find their way to the US.  Advocates will denigrate the "Bible thumpers" who oppose such laws, and people will not speak out for fear of being branded "politically incorrect."

    Depravity knows no bounds.

  4. It's sick.

  5. Probably diseases and such

  6. Because you'd have to be essentially out of your mind, to do this.. and by logic -- this would rid society of men/women who are out of their minds. If you understand human criminology, you'd know that small crimes lead to bigger crimes - and even in the suburbs/rural areas, a boy that will crush turtles, hang dogs from trees (like say, one recent GOP candidate for President's 18 yr old son did, in Arkansas)... has to be treated severely, and absolutely.. because it's a short-step from animal cruelty to

    well, human cruelty.

    Would you leave a man that's been tapping some livestock, whether goats or cows (presumably) -- alone with your little brother or sister?

    If you need any reasoning, biologically.. just bear in mind where AIDs came from.. and patient X humping chimps, then taking his freak-show back to Europe, etc. etc.

  7. Well I don't eat animals or have s*x with them, so they both seem pretty gross to me.

  8. Folks, this is an obvious troll, why do you all fall for it?

    Get thee back, troll, and return to thy bridge!

    Incidentally, most places removed bestiality from the criminal code many years ago, and those that still have it on the books would be very unlikely to enforce it.

  9. Because it is cruel to the animals.  They have no say in the matter.  

    There is also potential for the spread of diseases that way.

    Would you like it if some gorilla came up and thought you looked cute and decided to take you?

  10. Its illegal because its disgusting, disturbing, unnatural, immoral and down right twisted!

  11. Because it's disgusting and immoral. It's a COW!!

  12. I don't want to think about whose s*x-toy my hamburger was when it was still on the hoof.  

  13. besides being mentally sick (much more than disgusting) , it is abusive of the animals.

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