
Why is a Democrat trying to increase foreign worker visas by 600,000 this week?

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In Order to Protect American Workers, Senator Menendez Wants to Give Their Jobs Away

By: iStockAnalyst Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:00 AM

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New Jersey Senator Demands 'Recapture' of Hundreds of Thousands of Visas in Order to Allow Reauthorization of E-Verify

WASHINGTON, July 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Senate consideration of a bill to reauthorize the E-Verify program has come to a screeching halt, as Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) is demanding that hundreds of thousands of visas - mostly for foreign workers - be made available to special interests. The E-Verify program, which will expire on Nov. 30 if it is not reauthorized, allows employers to electronically verify workers' Social Security numbers to ensure they are legally entitled to work in the U.S.

In recent years, voluntary participation by employers in E-Verify has grown exponentially, as businesses have found it a convenient and reliable way to comply with laws against hiring illegal aliens. Sen. Menendez is seeking the 'recapture' of unused visas - both employment and family-based -- going back to 1992 in order to permit reauthorization of E-Verify to move forward. By some estimates, the number of 'recaptured' visas could be as high as 600,000. articleid_2445707&title=In_Order_to_Prot...




  1. San Francisco's sanctuary city policy was put to the test just last month.

    Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant and member of the criminal gang MS-13, was arrested by SF officials -- but not referred to federal immigration officials because of the city's sanctuary city policy. Again, SF officials refused to cooperate with immigration authorities.

    In June of this year, Ramos allegedly committed yet another crime. He murdered Bay Area residents Tony Bologna, 49, and his two sons -- Matthew, 26, and Michael, 16. The three were returning home from a family picnic.

    It appears that "San Francisco values" places the welfare of illegal aliens above that of local citizens.

  2. It is because we elect dumb guys who lie to us to represent us in office.  I rarely ever vote for offices due to the fact I am a hardcore believer that politicians do NOTHING but lie.  I vote on issues I stand behind and that's it.

    When we can have a real presidential election with campaigns that are ONLY about the issues at hand instead of downing the other dude and then the elected official actually STAND behind what he says, maybe I'll consider voting for office.

    Plus, is there any sense in voting for president?  Our votes don't necessarily count..We are the popular vote, but its the electoral college that really elects the president, and they are political as well and don't tend to listen to us.  After all, Gore did win the popular vote in the Bush/Gore election, but the electoral college overruled us and put Bush into office.

  3. he wants to solve the illegal immigrant problem.

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