
Why is a Family Medical History Important AND What do you do with the information?

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Why is a Family Medical History Important AND What do you do with the information?




  1. A family history of a certain illness, like diabetes or heart attack for example, can be a risk factor for your chance of developing the same condition.

    It is a good idea to know this because it may make a difference to your doctor when monitoring you for these conditions,and deciding about whether you should go on medication or not if you are showing signs of a condition.

    Lots of illnesses have a hereditary link, and sometimes (not all the time) it can play a part in your health.

  2. Anything that makes a doctor's life easier, such as being aware of your family history, makes sure that you're getting the best care and advice possible.

    Doctors (and all health professionals) are bound by law to not disclose your personal and/or family history to any second, third (whatever) party without appropriate justifiable reason(s).

  3. It is important so if anything happened to you  ex: if you had a tumor... Do they run in your family.... Basically history  because they want to know how to treat it or how long it has been how many generations and many other factors.  When you go to the doctor or hospital you give them your family history

  4. Many illnesses are hereditary.  If they know what medical history there is in your family they can watch for ones that are hereditary and possibly even prevent them.....especially for those life threadtening ones.


  5. Important to whom? Usually it is important because a lot of diseases are genetic. You can know if you are at risk for certain cancers, heart disease, etc., and take steps to prevent or at least be on the look out for them.

    Ex: someone with a family history of breast cancer might get more frequent screenings starting at an earlier age.  

  6. it is important for you and your doctor to know what disieses and conditions run in your family so that they can be looked for extra closely and be cought early on if you do have them rather than simply being stumbled on upon later when it may be to late.  You dont really have to do anything with them just be aware of them and if its something serious that is passed down very often through generations do routine checkups! ;-) nothing to worry about really it just helps to know!

  7. because it helps medical providers determine if you may be more suseptible to certain diseases and disorders. If your father has diabetes you may be more apt to have it. and the doc may inform you, because of contributing risk factors (overweight, unhealthy eating etc) that your risk of diabetes is increased and you need to change your lifestyle..thats why

  8. Some illnesses and cancers are more likely if you have a family history of it.    for example Parents with heart problems,  family members with colon, breast, or melanoma cancers.  If you know your family history, your doctor can help you avoid or minimize the risks.

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