
Why is a NATURALLY masculine man frowned apon by modern society in the west? Shouldn't we have moved on from?

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Archaic sociological belief systems (even using the word "theory" is farfetched here) where gender identity and gender differences are nothing but a social construct - thanks to Simone de Beauvoir and co.

You can call me a male stereotype with wings, but I’m a guy who is emotionally vulnerable, but is at the same time very stereotypically masculine.




  1. I wouldn't call you a "male stereotype with wings" I'd call you Christmas dinner.

  2. Sissy

  3. Can you elaborate on what your definition of stereotypically masculine is?

    I have no idea what you mean by when it's frowned upon. I need to know what characteristics you're talking about. :)

  4. Yes we should have moved on from that. But seeing as how this is western society. We discriminate and judge anything that has life and most things that don't.

  5. What the h**l is a "naturally masculine" man?

  6. A naturally masculine man is given much more respect than a man who tries to fake it.

  7. Please explain to me in your own words what is a "NATURALLY masculine" man?

  8. I'm sorry...was that a question?  Your second sentence wasn't even a sentence.

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