
Why is a cat following me around so much

by Guest62282  |  earlier

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Sometimes when i walk around my neighborhood the neighbor's cat keeps

coming up to me and follows me.

I was ok with it at first but now it seems to stalk me?




  1. I dont think its stalking you     my neighbors cats do that to me  they just want attention

  2. Maybe it's a lost cat that used to belong to somebody and is looking to adopt a new owner. Don't ignore the cat feed it and love it and if your that nice put up posters with its picture on it, If you can't find the owner take it to a shelter.

  3. Most likely it's hungry.  

  4. have you ever fed it b4?

  5. Your cat loves you - mine follows me around like a little puppy.  

  6. do you smell llike fish?

  7. i have a cat in my neighborhood that does that too. i think she was pregnant too last time i saw her, or just really fat.

    maybe its just normal behavior for them?

    mine was really defensive of me too, like if a dog came up while i was walking with her she'd hiss at him and act like she was going to attack him.

    who knows?

  8. wat the h**l! it's just a cat? probably just wants some attention. pet it and then run away quickly!!!

  9. Lol, don't get all nervous about it. Did ya ever feed him? Well, that's why he'd be following you. Otherwise, maybe he just likes you a lot?

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