
Why is a classless society a fair society?

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Why is a classless society a fair society?




  1. The assumption is that by getting rid of social class, then there is nobody who is "better" than another or has more than another.  The problem is, it can't exist because fairness and equality has a lot more to it than just income and resources.  How about those who work harder, are smarter, and/or contribute more to society than others?  Is it a "fair" society that they get nothing extra for their work or talents?

  2. because everyone is equal. opportunities are available to all and not just the higher classes

  3. It's only fair because it is non-existant like Eldorado.  I went to a workshop recently on "class" differences.  I'm not sure that what I learned will be real important to me, other than I can be introspective and see the pros and cons of each, and decide where I'd want and not want to be.  It taught what each class thought of as most important.

    Disadvantage - lower middle:  People are thought of as possessions - my man, my kids, my dad.

    Middle - upper middle:  Accomplishments of those people...Johnny is going to Stanford and on the Dean's list.

    Upper to Rich: (Not accomplishments of people cause ITS UNDERSTOOD!!!) Have you seen our BMW? Have you seen our Renoir?

    I don't think we'll talk these guys into FAIR, so if I can linger somewhere between my kids at UNC making Bs, while I drive my Ford Escape and have a Rodrigue Blue Dog on the wall, I be just fine.

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