
Why is a controlled experiment a useful tool in hypothesis-based science?

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Why is a controlled experiment a useful tool in hypothesis-based science?




  1. A control is something in an experiment that you don't change, so that you can compare what has changed between the "normal" events and variable or changed events.

    For example, if you are trying to see which is better at growing plants soda or plant food. First you buy three of the same plants in separate pots, and set them all in the same area, so they all get the same amount of sunlight. Then you use water for one, plant food for the second one, and soda for the third on. The plant with water is the control because it's what plants are normally fed in the wild.

    Now if you didn't have the water you couldn't really see which one was better, so your hypthesis really couldn't be answered because there is no proof that any one of those is better than the normal conditions.

    Amazing I just gave you a good science project, if you still do those. ^_^

  2. Since this particular science is based on opinions, you need an experiment that shows hard facts.

    The only experiment that will do just that is a controlled one.

    Take away the control, and you have an opinion based on an opinion.

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