
Why is a cool cool nicknames?

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Why is a cool cool nicknames?




  1. I think D.J. would be a cool nick Name. It is hard to tell what you are looking for with such little information .

  2. Nickname for what?!

    Add details!!

  3. What?!? Sorry, but your question doesnt make sense!!! Fix it, and then i will help u.

  4. i think cool nicknames use to remember easily  a persons.

  5. I always wondered that too. Why is a cool cool nicknames? I think its one of those questions which we will never know the answer to. Another question I always wonder the answer to is, How come great great firefly? Oh man, it just boggles the mind.

  6. Ice.

  7. danial like me

  8. do u mean for yourself??? Well if it is for u how about D.D, cuz ur names daren D. Or just ask ur friends, they would know.

  9. cool is cool unless your cold

  10. DJ name? Daren D sounds good! D D, Double D etc...

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