
Why is a guy talking in a perverted way?

by  |  earlier

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All i did was correct his grammar and he goes off on me i tried to appoligize but then he started talking dirty about my mother why?




  1. because he is very immature! just ignore him & don't bother correcting his grammar next time!

  2. Guys who like to talk dirty has a low self-esteem.   Thinking by talking dirty, people will really think he's a tough guy.

  3. you may have damaged his ego, but he is clearly less than mature if he won't accept your apology (especially when one is not due).

    don't worry about it; this male is not worth the worry.

    you didn't do anything wrong.

  4. He's a scumbag. Stay away from him.

  5. dEO' bjS" ry` he^t'

  6. i guesse he really hates ppl who correct his grammar or he was juz in a bad mood if u noe the guy maybe talk 2 him about it but if he was a guy on da street maybe he had a prob who noes just be careful who's grammar u correct ;) maybe he's had probs in da past ;)

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